'She's crazy!' George shouted at me. 'George, Bludger!' I shouted back at him. Why didn't he just focus on the game as we were all doing?

'Dora, here!' Katie yelled and I accelerated to catch the Quaffle. I was just about to score when the Slytherin Keeper soared to me and almost knocked me of my broom, making me lose the Quaffle.

Luckily Angelique catched it and scored in my place.

I flew a bit higher again and tried to see the Quaffle, but I didn't, as my vision began to turn and I tried to catch sight of my team members, but all I saw were red and green spots soaring through the sky. Katie flew over to me. 'Dora, you okay?'

'Katie? Yeah, I'm fine, just go and play,' I lied quickly as Katie flew away from me.

I flew around for a bit, but my vision became more unclear and I had the feeling I was going to pass out. My nose was still bleeding and I had never been so wet. 'Dora, here!' Angelique yelled and I saw a small thing coming my way: the Quaffle. I cought it and flew to the goalpoasts. I couldn't score, because Fred yelled something and I was a bit distracted.

'Watch out Dora!' I turned to look what was going on, but then I felt something rather hard hit my head and everything went black.


Harry had caught the Snitch! Gryffindor had won. Everybody except for the Slytherins was excited.

But when I saw someone in red Quidditch robes and pitch black, curly hair fall down, I hit Hermione's arm, who was sitting next to me.

'Yeah, I know, we won!' she shouted happily, but I shook my head. 'No, no, it's Dora!' I said a bit heated, pointing at the field, as I saw her smash to the ground. The croud stopped cheering and everybody looked to the small dot in the mittle of the pitch.

I pulled Hermione with me as I ran down the stairs from the tribune. I saw Malfoy kneel down beside her, and professor McGonagall was trying to turn her over. I rushed towards the lot.

'What's going on?' I said, looking at Draco and then at Dora. She looked terrifying bad. Her legs were lying in strange angels, her face and robe was covered in fresh blood and her arm was turned over.

'She's unconcious,' Draco stated. 'Oh, dear...' McGonagall muttered as I helped her to turn Dora over so she laid on her back. 'We need to get miss Yaxley to the Hospital wing. Can you handle that, boys?' she said, raising her eyebrows as she looked at Draco and me. Draco nodded and I did so too.

McGonagall left and went to Angelique, who was crying because she shouldn't have played with her broken leg.

'So um... You carry her? Or should I d-'

'No, I'll carry her,' I said quickly, as I kneeled down beside her and lifted her up.


Ik woke up in the Hospital wing, my head hurted and my my body felt numb.

'Dora. You're awake.' It was Seamus, who was sitting next to my bed, holding my hand. I loved it when he held my hand; it felt nice and warm. Pity he only did it at moments like these. I wished we could be like this all the time.

'Yea...' I whispered.

'Madam, she's awake!' Seamus told madam Pomfrey, and she came to my bed.

'How are you feeling, my dear?' she asked.

'Like I'm stunned,' I replied with a small chuckle.

'Yes I think that will last for a few days, it was a fall from several feet high. Drink this, it will help for your skull fracture.'

'Did I fall of my broom?' I asked Seamus. He nodded.

'Yes, but it was the Bludger. It hit you very badly.'

'But Angelique kept playing too,' I replied.

I had to think about the match again. How everything had begun to spin and I couldn't see clear anymore. What was going on?

'Ssh, Dora, it's fine. Gryffindor won. No one blames you,' Seamus said as he stroke my forehead.

'But what happened? Why did they bring me here?'

'You've got a skull fracture and a broken nose, but that's already fixed. You freaked me out though, you smacked to the ground.'

'How long do I need stay here?'

'Um... For a few days I think. Now, drink this, you'll get out of here sooner.'

I read what was on the bottle. It read "Sleeping draught".

Seamus took the bottle and poured a bit of the potion into a goblet. 'But then I'll sleep,' I muttered. 'But I want to talk with you.'

'You drink this. You'll feel better,' he said. I saw care in his eyes.

'But-' I said, but he gave me the goblet and I sighed and drank the potion.

I smiled at Seamus and he smiled at me too. Our eyes locked and we stared into eachother eyes for a few seconds.

'I'll be here when you wake up,' he whispered as he leaned forward and, after hesitating a few seconds, connected our lips. When we finally broke apart, I drifted off to a deep sleep.

Chasing Time  (Seamus Finnigan)Where stories live. Discover now