Chapter 3: I Will Never Walk Again

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    "Jeremy!" Karma called out in a happy voice. She ran over to him and gave him a kiss and a huge hug. After we all introduced ourselves Freddie and Jeremy went to order our food from the counter and left Karma and I alone at the table.

    The restaurant was this awesome hangout place at the beach, though they didn't serve much seafood, but it was the greatest restaurant I've ever been to. When this was all over maybe I'd come to this place on a real date.

    "Soo," Karma started. "How did you meet my cousin?"

    Okay, I panicked. What was I going to tell her? Oh, I got it. "Umm," I said. "I met him in the chemistry lab. I know, boring, right?"

    "No," Karma said nonchalantly. "Meeting someone you really like for the first time is never boring, trust me."

    I felt really guilty. I mean, she was trying to comfort me and it wasn’t even real; that just didn't sound fair. "How did you meet Jeremy?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

    "Oh," she said, gazing towards his direction "We used to be really good friends till this costume party came along. Me and his old girlfriend wore the same mask and he thought I was her. We kissed, and since then sparks flew. Between me and you, I always had something for him."

    She broke her gaze once she realized Freddie and Jeremy were coming toward us with the food. “That’s beautiful," I told Karma, still touched from her story. Okay, I’m a sap, so sue me.

    "You're the only thing that's beautiful here, babe," Freddie said, sitting next to me.

    "Oh you!" I said, giving him a playful yet hard punch in the arm.

    "OW!" he said, rubbing his arm. Then he noticed Jeremy and Karma staring, amazed that that punch affected him. He sunk a little lower in his seat, taking his hand off his arm.

    I was next to Freddie, while across from us on the table were Jeremy and Karma. We all laughed, talked, and I actually had fun. I wished I'd hang out with Karma more often, but since this was a scam, I don't think we could ever be friends. Such a shame.

    We drove back to Karma's house and said goodnight. Freddie offered to walk me home, but I told him it was fine, that I could look out for myself. On my way, though, I regretted it when I met – Oh no, oh no no NO NO!

    Guess who? It was Dylan. He was walking on the other side of the street. I tried to avoid him by covering myself with my hair, but with no avail. He already noticed me.

    "Caitlin!" He yelled coming toward me. "Wait up!"

    I had to walk faster but Dylan was way faster than you could expect. "What do you want?" I asked angrily, stopping to face him. He was breathing heavily, so he was trying to catch his breath to say something that I was sure wouldn’t come out for another minute or so.

    "Oh," I said sarcastically. "I'm glad to see I've taken your breath away for once." I was about to continue walking when he grabbed my wrist to stop me.

    "You're always taking my breath away," He said as he finally stopped gasping.

    "Ha-ha," I said. "Nice try."

    "Why can't you believe that I really do like you Cait–" he said with a hurt expression, but I cut him off. I wasn’t going to fall for that again.

    "Because, you tricked me!" I yelled in his face, letting all my anger out. "Because when I first met you, you told me you loved me. And, in the end find out you were just using me."

Cutie Alert!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora