About the Author

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Morgan Greene is an Architecture Graduate from an university in Zamboanga City. Lived several years in Saudi Arabia when he was young and went back to Philippines to study high-school and college.

A sucker for white stuff like white t-shirt, jeans, blazer and white coated appliances and furnitures. He also collects unique mugs and key-chains.

Addicted to American TV Series and movies. At the same time reads a lot of books.


I make my way through the main hallway of the Fort, carrying this retched cyborg. “Hey you!” I shout at one of the scientist taking his break outside the laboratory. “Get me a stretcher and bring this tin can to the Professor.” I say.

                He panics and let loose his hold on his sandwich. It fell and cluttered on the metal floor. He scrambles to dial the code to the laboratory door. The door slides open and asks for a stretcher. Two other men, together with the Professor, came out from the laboratory dragging a stretcher with them. The moment they were just beside me, I slam the body of the cyborg on the stretcher. “What happened to R?” The Professor asks.

                “Apparently, your design isn’t indestructible after all.” I say and left them questioning how they would bring that good for nothing piece of metal junk back to life.

                I continue my stride along the hallway towards another laboratory. The lab where I can find the boss. I find myself standing in front of the metal hatch of the twelfth lab. I punch in the code for the door to open. I hit the enter button then the door slides open.

I walk into the room. It is a small circular room with computers running along the walls and at the center, a deprivation tank made of pressurized glass.

Ah my boy,” A man says. “What brings you here?

I turn to see the Duke standing in front of the water tank. Staring at its content like he would caress it any minute. He stands firmly with his wrinkleless suit. His short crop hair pulled in a slick back with streak of silver hair flowing with the black ones.

I just came here to report that they already have her.” I say. He sighs. “Do you want me to get her for you?” I ask.

The Duke shakes his head. “No there is no need of that.” He says. “While the precog is around, we can’t risk him seeing any of us. Just let them find out first how the precog’s ability works then we will take her back.

I would have killed him.” I say. “Then we won’t have any problems in dealing with him.

I find his ability to be useful. Killing him would not accomplish anything. We have to harvest his ability and find a way to plant it in one of our people who are loyal me. For the time being, we have to find the catalyst we need to bring her back together. And this time we must watch the candidates closely. We can’t just attack people. We must observe them first and see if they are the candidate that holds the right ability to bring her back.

How do you know it exists?” I ask.

With all the things happening around us, I don’t know if it exists. I just believe it does.” He says with a voice that can only be known as longing.

How about the tracker?” I ask. “We can’t find any of them without it.

We still have the list. For the meantime, we just have work with what we have it. Besides, they can’t make that thing work without connecting it to her.

If you want I can teleport there and grab it for you.

No, my son.” He says. “In due time we will retrieve it. Just be patient.

I clearly hate it when he asks me to wait even I can walk in and out of the Sentry without them knowing. But I have to follow his orders. “So, what now?” I ask.

You should go back before they will find out you are missing.” Duke says. I turn around. “And be careful my boy.” He continues.

I give him an affirming nod and walk out of the room. Before the door closes behind me, I focus my eyes on the outline of a body concealed inside the deprivation tank. The body of the only girl that I ever loved.

Obscura: The Dark Chamber Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now