Before America part 3! The Date?!

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Ryuga's POV!
As Tati left to wait outside for me, the nurse pats the examination table where Tati sat earlier and waited for me to get comfy on the crinkling paper covered cushions before she launched into the talk...
Time skip of thirty minutes in Tati's POV
The door opens slowly, squeaking slightly, and out comes a dazed, wide eyed Ryuga, who nearly runs into the doorframe and falls." Hey you alright?", I ask him confusedly, worried for his mental health. He snaps his glazed over eyes to me and he promptly hugs me tightly, almost to suffocation." I'm sorry I almost hurt you!", Ryuga cries, shocking me since he barely apologizes." It's o-okay, I guess...", I say, wondering what Delilah told him but whatever it was helped him understand my body better. We walk over to the cafeteria to see if breakfast was over, Ryuga slightly unbalanced but nothing I couldn't handle, was! The cafeteria was completely empty, save for the janitors and some staff." You just missed the breakfast run but Doji came by and gave you guys a pass for today to make up for the Reiji thing so here! We made some extra oatmeal and wheat soup( I forgot what it was called!).", he says. Relief was all I could feel as the staff person, Jerry, told us that, my stomach growled loudly as did Ryuga's as we sat in our normal chairs. Jerry placed two steaming bowls in front of both of us and two glasses of cold milk, which I promptly start on after pouring some cold milk into the oatmeal and mixing it in." Enjoy and also TK you're excused from training today so you can heal and get more clothes before you leave Japan.", Jerry informs. I start to ask about Ryuga and he informs me that he's also out of training to help me shop and safety, I continue on my oatmeal and finish." I can't believe we're both excused from training today. At least we can eat slowly and go out to the city, we haven't done that in a while.", Ryuga says, bringing some memories to mind." Why don't we go out on a date as well?", I ask since we were heading out without Doji constantly there, our usual since I was twelve was the drop off and pick up style instead of park and follow since it was more ethical and faster." Hmm...sure but I'll choose the place and I won't tell you where we're going.", he agrees, of course he would choose the place." You guys leave as soon as you're finished. Head outside and your ride will be waiting. You'll have all day today to shop for things you'll need and rest, since you both have been working hard, this is your reward!", Doji says, popping out from the hallway door like a mole." Oh really? Thank you Doji!", I thank, knowing something like this won't happen in a while because of the work in America and his mission. Ryuga thanks him as well and we continue with our food making small talk, Doji then hands me an envelope before he leaves for his office. As me and Ryuga finish up our food, I hear some shouting from down the hallway leaving me wondering what was going on." I'll check it out be back in a bit.", Ryuga says, probably noticing my glances to the doors and playing with the buttons on his shirt I was wearing. He walks off to the doors and out to the hallways where something was happening...
Ryuga's POV
As I walk out to the hallway from the cafeteria, the noise gets much louder and, getting closer to it, I could see that a fight was going on. Reiji was battling against the grunts while holding another halfway naked woman hostage, unfortunately I had enough of his crap and snapped at his behavior around me and Tati. I launched my own bey, storm serpent, at his serpent, throwing away the undefeated grunts with the force and instantly catching his attention." I always wondered what bey you had, now I know. Serpent!", Reiji shouts as the grunts around him try to grab the tied up girl while I distracted him...
Tati's POV start song!
I heard the shouts from down the hall get significantly quieter for some reason then Ryuga shouts a battle cry to serpent, his bey. I get up at this and run to the door, out down the hallway towards the battle that I knew was against Reiji somehow. The cries of serpent were loud as the battle exploded, two bladers, both with serpent beys, both top tier members but somehow, Reiji launched a special move and defeated Ryuga with a piece of the walls that broke off in the initial collision." Let it rip! Fox!", I shout, catching both their attention and a sneer from Reiji while Ryuga looked worried. Fox hit the defeated serpent back to my hands then went after the spinning one full force, the blast knocking the girl being held hostage down to the ground on her stomach and was so bright even Ryuga had to look away!" flower you sscertainly are strong...", Reiji whispers just loud enough to be heard over the clashing beys." Fox of the elements! Fire!", I shout. After years of battling with fox as my companion, I have learned many abilities my bey possesses including the most versatile one, control of basic elements like fire, water, and electricity. My bey changes to an attack type with base colors of orange, gold, and red with a free rotating metal performance tip allowing maximum stability and mobility so I can continuously attack my opponent, a winged yet bumpy fusion wheel for optimal sparks and attacks, and finally a spin track that was an R2F, great for more stamina and attack. My hair gained a red streak as my eyes changed to a fiery gold tinted red and my canines grew to twice the size. I took off the shirt I had on, showing my toned torso that had a golden flame outline near my right hip as some golden tipped red fur snuck out from the pants I wore." Flash driver!", I shout, my bey getting engulfed by flames and ran straight at serpent with a vengeance. His bey flies back into the wall behind him, sending him into a stadium out and I beat the blader who beat Ryuga of all people!" Not even a special move did that? Yeesh you're weak for that...", I trail, looking to Ryuga's kneeling form. I called back my bey while grabbing my shirt and my features returned to normal, the prickling feeling fading after a few seconds of agonizing silence where I slipped on the baggy shirt." You... you beat me. You won! Against me who had won against Ryuga? That's absurd!", Reiji shouts and collapses as I walk to the kneeling Ryuga behind me. The remaining grunts recapture the defeated Reiji and free the hostage from her bindings, I however kneel to Ryuga's level and grab his chin to meet his saddened gold gaze." I beat him because I want to fight my own battles but when I go, I want you to train with L-Drago and tame him. When you tame him, I'll be there I promise, now get up and let's get out of this stuffy place.", I tell him, knowing how little time I've got here. He grabs my hand and I haul him back to his feet, he suddenly catches my lips in a bruising kiss that had so much passion in it, my knees started to buckle! I almost fell from the kiss but he catches me bridal style and walks to the entrance, where a car was waiting for us to head to the shops in the city to buy some things for me. Our tongues clash but this time, I win and start mapping out my new territory making him stop walking to fight me back and we end the make out session with a French kiss and a trail of saliva connecting our slightly swollen lips. He chuckles at my heated face and resumes walking to the sleek gray Toyota truck waiting outside, with me resting my head on his shoulder being happy with my two wins today." Sorry we're late, something got lose and we helped recatch it.", Ryuga explains briefly while setting me down gently on the passenger side back seat and he heads to the driver side and buckles up, but pulls me to the middle seat next to him where I resume resting my head on his shoulder just the other side now.
~~~Timeskip of 40 minutes and Ryuga's POV
We just got dropped off at the mall where all everything looked rather empty since it was a week day, Tati, having taken a small nap on me, stretched and jumped looking very giddy and happy." Glad to be out of the stuffy grey walls of that place!", she shouts, jumping happily to grab my hand and drag me to the shops nearby. Her smile was so contagious that I found myself smiling alongside her as we head into a Macy's store... Two and a half hours of shopping had landed us in a thrift store filled with fur lined jackets, odd knick knacks, flower crowns, and headbands were everywhere. She was looking at some metal headbands and necklaces that looked intimidating to regular people but cool to me and her, when some guys from the corner who were looking at the kinky side of the store step towards her. Whatever she was staring down left her too distracted to see them, they tap her shoulder and trap her with the displays she was looking at and their bodies without a problem." Hey girly, why don't we leave this store and go to my place for some fun.", the guy with the Rasta beanie says, sneaking towards her and trying to wrap his hands around her waist. She dodges his hands easily but the other boys, three more, reached for her assets to grope, that made me jump from my seat and march over to them angrily with a frown set on my face." Excuse me but can you leave MY girl alone? She just wants to buy something.", I warn them, feeling protective." I'm sorry but we can't just leave this fine girl by herself like you, and from one brother to another, I could use a pick me up if ya know what I mean.", Rasta hat says, angering me and Tati by the look on her face." Excuse me? I was looking for a surprise for him so if you don't mind, get lost you perv! I'll have my first with my BOYFRIEND not a stranger!", she retaliates, face getting hot due to her anger at this guys words. The guys show some surprise but then morphs into chuckles." You're a virgin?", he asks with a smirk, going towards her face." I don't have to answer to a complete stranger now please excuse me oh Ry-Ry turn around.", she tells me, snapping back to face the metal headbands while the guys had smiles on their faces. I didn't have a good feeling about that so I became her shield between them and her as she grabs some stuff off the display behind me." Hey sweetheart, I'm a virgin too! Why don't we lose our first to each other huh?", he asks while the others try to go around me to her." Okay let's go.", she says, leaving me confused over what she bought while behind my back." Wait toots! I got some protection in case-!", Rasta guy starts his boys and me following after my girl only to be cut off by Tati." In case what? I actually give my first to a complete and utterable stranger when my boyfriend is right here? Yeah and I assume making him have the talk was pointless huh? Since he won't touch me until a stranger touches it when only my guy should touch!", she shouts vigorously at the stupid man and his pack. She quickly turns and buys whatever she grabbed while I head to wait outside for her so she can slip on what she bought for me. The men flit around her while the cash register guy bags her stuff, looking around at them suspiciously as if waiting for them to attack her. She whispers something to him, to which he nods and grabs something from under the desk and the men decide to start slapping her behind and attempt to grope her other assets. Some security men walk in just as rasta hat guy grabs her chin to pull her for a kiss making him jump back in surprise and some shouting ensues." I'm her boyfriend!!", Rasta hat shouts while she points to me in an explaining manner." I was buying him something from in here when these guys came from the dirtier side of the store and cornered me while I was looking something. They start talking about getting a pick me up and protection if needed, which angered me but I went to the register where I informed him of my situation. Right now my boyfriend is waiting outside for his present as I told him to do. Thank you guys so much.", I hear her say as she walks to me, the Rasta hat and his crew getting arrested for sexual harassment and pedophilia." You'll pay you bitch!", he shouts as he and his crew get dragged away." Watch your language there are kids present over twenty!", she shouts at him with a smirk, she tells me to close my eyes as she reaches into the bag. I feel something cold being placed on my forehead, right below my hairline, which confuses me since most headbands were in the hair past the hairline to keep it from sticking out." Open them!", she says. First thing I notice is that there's a mirror in front of me then I look closer and notice a golden dragon crown with red ruby eyes exactly where I felt something being placed. I studied myself in the mirror and to my surprise, I looked more like the true dragon emperor with a crown and everything." So what do ya think?", she asks sounding hopeful. I stare at her unnerved face and pull her for another kiss, telling her that I loved it." I love it, but why did you buy this?", I ask, then notice that she has a colorful fox pin holding her wild bangs at bay." What's that? It's pretty colorful.", I continue while gesturing to the pin." First I have less than a week here in Japan and second I found this next to that crown you're wearing and liked it so I bought it and put it on.", she explains, looking around shyly at anything but me." Well I like it too. Let's head to a restaurant, I'm feeling like it's lunch and we should get a break from shopping.", I tell her. She agrees and we scout out a restaurant to eat at. Five minutes of wandering and we find the first restaurant she went into, and enthusiastically walk in and finds our old seats. I sit down across from her as a familiar waitress walks over to us to serve us." Hello there you two! How about I start you off with some drinks?", she asks with a smile, her name tag read Darla." Well yes miss Darla! I'll take a root beer and he'll have a water.", Tati answers, jumping up and down in her seat." My my you two grew up to be quite handsome and beautiful babies!", Darla exclaims, catching a familiar waiters attention as well as some other patrons." Why I remember when you two were so small but I see one thing hasn't changed! Same thing as last time I assume?", she asks, smiling hugely." Yup! Thanks Darla!", Tati says, still giddy from finding this place again. Darla leaves to put in our order, leaving us to wait for it to come. I spot some girls looking in our direction who looked vaguely familiar, like the girls who picked on Tati last time we came here and ruined her first meal in the city. I could hear stuff like 'he grew up super sexy!', 'ugh she's with him now...', and 'what's she doing back here?.' I got very annoyed, especially at that second and third comment, more so when they started walking up to us with so much femininity, it was annoying." Hey Mr. Sexy, why don't you ditch pretty girl over here and come have some real fun with us! We'll please you more than she ever could...", the leader, dressed in all pink with pink highlights in her bleach blonde hair, whispers in my ear when they reach our table. It looks like Tati heard what she said because once she pulled away she was standing straight up from her chair looking as unhappy as a teenager at a little kids party." Excuse me but what business do you have with MY MAN to be bothering us on our date!", she calmly says with a glare at them, all of them wore super short shorts that nearly showed their panties and the leader wore a pink halter top while the other wore neon colored tank tops and tall high heels of varying colors." Why can't we at least flirt with such a hunk? Sugar share your man with some who want a little.", was her answer, and boy, did that annoy her!" Let me repeat myself, what business do you have with MY man while we are out on a date?", she reiterates as calmly as she could while trying not to let her canines grow out, after all this is still an establishment and we were customers." So? Why can't you share? He's a big boy now ain't he?", she taunts, throwing an arm around my shoulders and getting awfully close to my face." While you're right that I'm a big boy, I'm smart enough to keep her happy and not CHEAT. So unless you wanna see her tear you apart I suggest you leave or I will tell the waitress about your harassment of a paying patron.", I retort, hoping that she wasn't that stupid as to continue poking the dragon with a stick." No way! Why would you do that Mr. Sexy? We just wanna be happy like she is with you! C'mere!", she exclaims in my ear, making me cringe at her closeness. Until she grabs my chin and kisses me in front of Tati who was trying her hardest not to jump right now." Umm...excuse me ma'am but could you please allow them to eat and stop sexually harassing the boy! His girl is right there!", Darla exclaims, making the blonde girl look to her in surprise." Well it's not like he don't like it!", blondie exclaims in my ear again while Tati was seeing red." I don't like it, I want to eat so excuse us but our food is here and we are tired from shopping all day.", I tell her, pushing blondie off me as Darla places our food down in front of us. Blondie stumbles on her tall high heels and falls to her butt on the ground, screeching at the cold hard floor." Whatever you losers! I hope you die bitch, along with that sexy ham of yours!", she insults, making parents cover their kids ears." Actually this is roast beef but thanks it does look pretty good!", Tati yells to her strutting butt. We head an ugh! And she with her crew walk away. We get to our meal and eat quickly since the pick up time was getting close, but the waitstaff gave us some things to take home. We ended up with some cinnamon and chocolate cake, giving it to Doji as a gift when we got home. Hitting the sheets early never sounded better but with her room messed up, she ends up sleeping in my room again. Not like I minded it but the full moon was coming up and I didn't know what to do with her on that night...
AC: talk about long! Yeesh! But I have to say this dictates like one day in Beyblade!
Ryuga: damn this one is long but have you seen the amount of people who've seen this book?
AC: that's right! Guys we did it!! Over 200 reads! Big thanks to _DeliriousWaffle_ xXDragonFighterXx and GamingWithRhia for constantly commenting and giving my story a ton of votes! If I forget anyone else I'm sorry I'm really forgetful! But thank you guys and for now I need some questions if you guys want the extra chapter! Then I'll give you guys an OC bio chapter about Tati here!
Tati: hi guys! Thanks for the reads and votes!
Ryuga: the comments and remember, Author chan doesn't own anything but her character!
AC: suggestions: about me, my OC, appropriate please, can be my life or random things, can be posted on my profile or comment here! Ciao for now! TK!

The dragon and the fox: beyblade metal sagaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora