Before America! Part 2!

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The next morning in Tati's POV! AC: had enough Ryuga POV have you?
I woke up to a guitar riff from some rock song Ryuga listens to and looked around, remembering that I was sleeping with Ryuga to make sure Reiji didn't try anything while I was sleeping or otherwise. I felt Ryuga start to shift next to me, waking up from the alarm like me. He finally opened his eyes and stared at me with a small smile on his face for early in the morning, I was still slightly groggy but refreshed at the same time." Good morning Ryuga, slept well?", I ask him, properly waking him up and reminding him of my presence." Good morning, I slept real good with you as my snuggle buddy.", Ryuga answers, his voice was deep since he hadn't used it all this night. It sent shivers down my back like always with its richness and I always love hearing it, even when I was his best friend taking naps with him. He chuckles for some reason and sits up staring at me, showing his shirtless state and groggy gold eyes that I had seen many times." So does my voice really sound that good to you now?", he asks randomly with that deep baritone I loved. I was slightly confused over what he was talking about until he moved his hands to my back and hips then whispers in my ear." I feel the shivers you get every time I wake up with this voice, is it its deepness? Or something else?", he breaths, nipping my ear afterwards then moving back. I could tell I was blushing big time since he started chuckling when he moved away from my ear and looked at my face." Why don't you go get ready and I'll wait in your room when I'm finished in here then we'll go out and eat?", he asks me, his voice distractingly melodic so it took me a bit before I could register his words and nod in agreement. He must have caught my hesitation because he leans forward and goes towards my ear again." I'll try not to speak if you enjoy listening to this voice of mine...", he says in a husky whisper, sending shivers and shudders down and up my back and sending my face and the pit of my stomach into a frenzy of heat." O-okay, I'll go get ready.", I answer him, my own voice sounding tired and groggy. I get up off the bed and basically bolt out of his room in my PJ's, brown fox print shirt and matching multi colored pants. I head to my room across the halls and look around my room in its emptiness, but what I see is the opposite of what I wanted. My room had clothes that weren't my own scattered across the floor, my bed smelled awful, as if someone had worked out on it or did something not so clean on it, and the walls were covered in red scratches of spray paint while my bathroom was a mess! The soaps were everywhere and the cleaning supply all empty, my bed was ruffled and completely torn up. It was like a wild animal had been there alongside a tornado and a hurricane trying to clean what was left. I heard my door squeak open and soft footsteps approached me, the smell told me it was Ryuga who had popped in to check on me, then a gasp followed by a low growl that meant hatred and anger. I bent down and picked up a familiar shirt, it smelled of blood and sweat, then looked closer at the bed. I noticed that the headrest poles looked bent and beaten up and upon closer inspection, there seemed to be marks of bondage on both poles and blood on the blankets and sheets." TK, Ryuga! Break-what in the world?! TK! Your room! What happened to it? I said pack not mess it up!", Doji accused, making me angry that he would even think about me doing this." Doji, she slept in my room last night in case Reiji wanted to try something again.", Ryuga tells Doji, prompting a shocked expression on the older male." So you mean you don't know who did this?", Doji asks." No I know already who did this but we need to find his victim first and make sure she's alright.", I answer, standing up and showcasing the two sets of shirts I had dug out of this mess." So it was Reiji! That little...wait you said victim, why exactly?", Doji asks questioningly, glasses glaring at me in disbelief." Because my head rest poles look like they were being pulled at by a prisoner and this shirt is clearly feminine but is torn up as well as the bra with it.", I answered him, holding up the clearly torn and ripped shirt. It was a normal grunts one and even had a tag for the name on it." Katie...isn't she the one Reiji was talking to before dinner yesterday?", Ryuga asks me, knowing I remember names rather well." Yeah she was, Doji I need you to find security footage of this hallway and any place near it alongside calling all the women named Katie, if we find her, we find an excuse to kick out this bastard once and for all.", I tell them. They nod in agreement but Ryuga asks me about something I had almost forgotten about." What about your clothes? I don't see your things anywhere.", Ryuga reminds me." Well I'll check the closet. If it's not there then I gotta use your clothes like last time, if it is then hooray! I got clothes at least.", I answer him, walking towards the closet door to open it. Once the door opens, something vicious rushed me and started to claw me up. The initial shock of something attacking me in my own room wore off quickly as my animal instinct took over, clawing and kicking what I could now see as Reiji totally naked and ravage while trying to get him off me. By the time Ryuga had pulled him off me, my shirt was in shreds, my underwear almost out in the open, and my hair was even more messed up than after training and puffed up while my gold streaks glistened in the dim lighting. I growled loudly to a beaten up, clawed, bloody, and bruised Reiji as a sign of not messing with me anymore. He hissed back in defense but it was cut short by a wad of blood being coughed up and some hacking then Ryuga slams him into the wall looking as animalistic as I did minus my tail and ears that sprung up when he first attacked me." Why do you insist on bothering my MATE!? Why are you hurting the one you have a crush on?!? It's only gonna make her hate you more and now, you have my resentment as well as Doji's and this girl named Katie's too!", Ryuga roars out, anger and annoyance very prominent and the tone of a beast hidden within." I want her to suffer as I am right now without her by my side. If I am to suffer watching you two together then she is to suffer a similar punishment!", he replies, giving a mad doctor sounding laugh that I quickly disregard
with a loud growl from my own throat." And why must you rain on my parade if you are stupid enough not to let go! Haven't you heard the saying of you love something let it go. If it goes away it was never meant to be but if it comes back it's yours to keep?!?", I shout, fur bristling and ears low in my anger." I found the girl! Holy cactus pines! Your clothes TK! Reiji, you are so dead!", Doji bursts in, causing us all to look at him then to the girl clad in bandages cowering behind him." Well well well! If it isn't Katie! How have you been since our little raid of the bitch's den?", Reiji asks her, slinking up to her only to be stopped by my own hand gripping his neck. She cowers away from him, too scared to speak to him or even look at him for that matter." P-please, leave me alone! I have n-no business in your love life! I just wanted to clean Miss TK's room as a thank you for getting me out of that conversation with y-you!", Katie shouts, getting some confidence from his position." Face it Reiji! All the notes you played all lead to you so now it's time to face the music! Doji will figure out what to do with such trash like you.", I growl out, reaching down to grab his own shirt as a makeshift hand cuffs for the moment. He struggles a bit, trying to use his height advantage to get free but my grip on his neck tightens greatly to the point where he's nearly choking and I successfully grab the shirt and stand up straight again. I nod to Ryuga, signaling him to tie Reiji's hands together with the shirt and he complies with an angered look and solemn face." You'll pay TK! I'll get you Ryuga and make that girl mine! Even if I have to force marry her or tie her up like I did Katie!", Reiji shouts as he gets hauled away by Doji and a few other grunts from the halls, leaving me, Ryuga, and Katie in the room." I'm so sorry your room ended up like this! I didn't know he was in here at the time nor what he would do when he tied me up so I couldn't do anything at all to help!", she cried, running up to me and hugging me closely." Nonsense! You told Doji who the culprit was and heck! You tried to clean up my room! No one ever does that unless I ask them to but you're the first one to want to on your own accord! Thank you so much!", I told her, hugging her back then taking a look at her damaged face." He must have tied you up real good and done some things with the state of Tati's bed.", Ryuga says, reminding us of his presence and pointing out something on my bed." He did actually. I only got out because he was done with me, and what he did was even worse! Before this I was a virgin but now, not so much...", she tells us, making me gasp and Ryuga tilts his head in confusion." Oh that's right Ryuga you didn't get the talk yet have you?", I asks him, earning a nod for an answer." Well then I suggest that before you even decide to touch me let alone see me in the shower.", I tell him, getting an angry look that then turns to a red face." Seriously?!? Are you imagining me in the shower when I'm right here nearly in the buff?!?", I yell in exasperation at his boyish stupidity." Sorry it was too tempting but we should head to the nurses office since you're a bit scratched up and bloodied but first come on we need to get you new clothes.", Ryuga apologizes, ushering me out of the room followed by a braver Katie." Miss Katie if you need to please head to the nurse before us since it'll take awhile to fit clothes for her. Or you can go to breakfast while I fix up Tati.", Ryuga offers her, actually being nice to a random grunt person for the first time." Are you sure? Oh I hope you'll be alright miss TK! Good luck and I hope you feel better!", she bids while walking towards the cafeteria, a slight limp to her step." Okay now for the challenge of fitting your clothes on my tiny self again.", I sigh once she walks away, remembering the city incident from long ago." Heh that brings back memories. Let's go.", he says, grasping my hand and leads me back to his room. Once we're in, we immediately head to his closet near his bed and near the snake pen, all of whom start talking to me as if it was normal since it was now that I had found out about my animal side." Sssso miss Tati, how have you been? We haven't had the chance to talk to you in a long time!", Jaden exclaims, green eyes showing joy at finally being able to talk to me." It's been good but if you didn't notice me and Ryuga are uh mates now...", I trail off, still awkward about this new topic I hadn't talk about often." Yes we have seen and might I say, quite steamy!", his mate says, her own grass green eyes glistened with glee. She was found by me in the forest while we were training and I named her Jade for her eyes and scales, a bright green reminiscent of a precious jade bracelet I had seen a lady wear once in shop. I blushed as the memory showed itself and shrunk a bit into myself since it was still rather uncomfortable and new, Ryuga handed me one of his shirts that distracted me from the topic as I tried to put it on. It was a lose fitting black vest with gold trimmings, his favorite shirt I got him for his tenth birthday which shocked me since he never let anyone touch it unless it was me. Then he pulled out a familiar pair of pants and handed those to me, expecting me now to strip in front of him while he checks on the size." Look how much smaller than me you are! My shirt is super baggy despite fitting just right on me!", he jokes, causing even his snakes to laugh alongside him." Sorry I'm so small!! Can't be helped!", I shout from embarrassment, red face evident. I told him to turn around so I could put on the pants like the last time I had to, but he refuses and sits on the bed near me just staring at what I'll do next. So I start to strip off my pants like usual and replaced them with Ryuga's pair, earning a red faced Ryuga and chuckles from the snakes." Uhh no need for a belt this time at least and uh it's somewhat fits but the shirt is just too big...", he trails off, looking over the baggy shirt from the back with a red face. I turn around with a red face of my own and get him with a small kiss on his cheek, throwing his face in a flurry of red shades causing him to fall on the bed behind him in surprise with wide eyes and a wide mouth. I walk out of his room with a smug face while he tries to catch up to me. The nurse's office wasn't that far away, being in the same wing as the dorms for easy access to all injured. We pass some people walking down the opposite way which reminded me, we haven't eaten breakfast yet since the whole Reiji thing had taken a while to fix and I realized we may not get to eat until lunch, which made my head sag and my stomach feel all the more empty but my cuts and bruises ached, reminding me why we had to go to the nurses office in the first place as well as for Ryuga to learn about some women things he still didn't understand. We reach the nurses office and we're shocked to find an out cold Reiji and an exasperated nurse named Delilah sitting near him." He was being problematic so I gave him a tranquilizer to calm him down.", Delilah told us, looking over me critically." We need to clean and bandage those wounds TK. Come here and sit.", she orders me while informing me what she needed to do. I comply and sit on the examination table while she went searching for somethings in the shelves as I got comfy, Ryuga stood next to me. Once she finds what she's looking for, she saunters over to where I'm seated and places the stuff on the nearby table while looking over Ryuga just as she had done with me before." If there's nothing wrong with you then please wait outside.", Delilah tells Ryuga, looking back towards me and grabbing an ointment from the pile of stuff on the table." He needs the talk about girls ma'am.", I tell her, hoping she can." Oh ok then please stay but may I ask why he needs the talk now?", she says, clearly confused over the subject." He and I are a thing now but he doesn't know about a period, let alone virginity. Please educate him before I get hurt somehow.", I answer as she starts to rub some ointment on my wounds, causing me to flinch a little." Oh ok then I'll give it to you after Miss Tati is treated.", she offers while rubbing some more ointment on my other wounds, my arms throbbed from the pain but it smelled like mint." Thanks owchies...", I say, the ointment tingling and stinging slightly as it works its way into my wounds. She grabs the roll of bandages and puts the ointment back, then stats on wrapping my wounds kind of tightly but not super tight." So how long will it take for me to heal fully?", I ask, hoping it'll be less than a week to heal." Hmm about five days max three days least for you, if it was an actual human it would have been a full week.", she answers, I sigh in relief since I would be healed before I leave for America. She finishes bandaging my cuts and wait outside for Ryuga to be finished with the talk...
AC: hey guys! I just wanna say thank you for all the readers staying with this awfully inconsistent story of mines and it's odd updates!
Ryuga: aren't you also gonna mention the fact that we passed 150 reads a while ago...
AC: I kinda forgot because we currently have 187 reads!!! And only on this one is the reads so high! Thank you guys so much!
Ryuga: aren't you also gonna mention the user who first commented on this story...
AC: I am, be patient! Big thanks to XxrayanexX097  for commenting on a chapter first but like I said, once we reach 200 reads I'll set up a Q and A chapter about either my OC or me but of the OC gets chosen then it'll be a current bio for her! Disclaimer!
Ryuga: got it. Author-chan doesn't own anything but her OC and the story with her.
AC: ciao for now! TK!

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