"Could we talk for a minute?" He questioned after I closed my mouth. I looked at him wearily but nodded anyway. A smile broke out on his face and he beckoned me over to follow him. I followed him out to the patio where there were two cups of steaming coffee waiting.

We walked over to the table sitting down next to each other. A soft smile tugged at the corner of my lips when I tasted the coffee and it was just how I like it.

"So, how are things going with you and James?" James father, Corey, asked looking over at me. I fought the blush that tried coming up to my cheeks as I set my coffee down.

"G-good," I answered simply looking down at my hands.

"Well obviously, but I mean everything is good? I mean with the texts and everything, and Axel? I know he's been on edge lately." He questioned back looking intensely at me. I blushed at that swiftly picking up my coffee humming around the mug.

"I-I mean he's been on ed-dge, but it's been fine." I answered back looking up at him through my eyelashes. Looking down at me he sent me a warm smile.

"Yeah I bet. Look I know this isn't really any of my business but how are things with Axel? I don't know if it's you, James, or both of you but knowing Axel he's at the surface and even the littlest thing could set him off because you two haven't mated." Setting down his coffee he looked over at me with a softened gaze.

"And I just want to tell you that neither James nor Axel will force you to mate with him before you're ready." He finished smiling at me. I was still blushing but managed to nod my head at his statement.

"I k-know, and I'm thankful for that. I-I guess I'm still a bit self-conscious ab-bout being his mate and all." I admitted.

"Don't be, he loves you and so does the pack. Even before you guys found out you were mates everyone loved you. And now that you're going to be luna, you'll be even more loved, if possible." Corey moved to sit in the chair next to me looking down at me with care filled eyes.

"T-thank you." I whispered looking up at him. He smiled down at me brightly. I stood up along with him and was about to walk away before he stopped me. Surprising me he pulled me into a warm, father-like hug.

"No, thank you for making my family happy. When you came here my husband immediately wanted to help you and make you a part of not only our pack, but our family. And now with my son, he is so extremely happy with you around. So thank you for bringing happiness to my family." His hold on me seemed to tighten on me before he pulled away. The look in his eyes was soft and caring. I had a few tears in my eyes but quickly blinked them away. I nodded at him and grabbed my coffee walking back inside and into the living room.

Leo was still watching PLL intensely and Dom was just looking at the TV confused. I looked over to the part of the couch James and I had been sitting on and saw that he was laying down. I set my coffee down on the end table and made my way over and sat down on the ground. Not even five seconds later James was picking me up and squishing me against him.

"Where were you?" He questioned nuzzling into my neck.

"T-talking to your father." I answered moving my head a little allowing him to further bury his head in my neck. What I forgot was me doing that was also me submitting to him. The second I heard his growl and pull me closer to his chest I knew Axel was out.

"Mine." He growled out moving me so that I was caged between him and the couch. I couldn't move and I figured he wouldn't be moving for awhile so I got comfortable. I could still tell but the grip and position I was in Axel was still out.

"Mmmm," he growled out rubbing himself on me, scent marking me. I heard a small snicker coming from Leo and Dom making Axel growl at the pair. It went on for about ten minutes, Axel rubbing himself all over my body while growling in content.

After he was satisfied that his scent was on me enough he rolled over a little pulling me into his chest. I turned to look at the TV and saw that The Fosters was now on. As I watched the show, or should I say try to watch, Axel was softly growling and purring as he rubbed his hands all over me.

I turned m attention over to Leo and Dom and saw them staring at me in amusement. I rolled my eyes at them and continued watching the TV.

After a few episodes were finished I looked up and saw that James was back. He looked down at me and sent me a somewhat apologetic smile. I shook my head and looked at the clock on the wall. I hadn't even realized how long we had all been laying around here. It was already 1:30 P.M. And we had our suit appointment at three.

I nudged James making his attention turn towards me. I motioned him to the clock causing him to groan when he saw the time.

"Guys we need to get ready. It's already 1:30 and we need to be ready by 2:30 so we can make it to our appointment." James sighed looking over at Leo and Dom. They both groaned, Leo's being more dramatic, and started getting up. I rolled off of James and started walking upstairs. James followed walking behind me with little to no space between us.

Once we got up to our room I asked James if I could take a shower and he said,

"How many times do I have to tell you this? You don't need to ask."

I blushed and went into hi-our closet to grab out some clothes. I decided on some thinner grey joggers and a white short sleeve shirt of James. I know, colorful outfit.

When I walked out James smiled seeing that I had a shirt of his. It wasn't like I don't already have enough of his scent on me, I mean that is he entire point of scent marking, but then again he seems to like me in his shirts.

I took a quick shower because I didn't want to have everyone waiting for me if I was still in the shower and they were ready. After I got dressed, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and put on lotion and a body mist/spray. When I walked out James was finishing putting on his shoes.

I grabbed my converse I wore last night to give some type of color to my outfit; also so I could wear my necklace out without it being out of place or looking bad. I quickly put them on and saw on the clock on his wall that we still had about 15 minutes. I decided to check my phone since I hadn't really been on it much recently.

I saw that I didn't have any texts from unknown people which make me happy. I saw that I did have a text from Alice though. It read,

Hey sorry we haven't really been hanging out much lately. I've been busy with final things with Liam and you're busy with James and his crew. We should hang out soon though.

I smiled and was about to text a response but James voice broke me out of my thought.

"Come on beautiful, we're leaving." His hand appeared in front of my face. I grabbed it and he pulled me up pulling me into his chest. I pushed back from it a bit but grabbed his hand pulling him out of the room.

We walked downstairs hand-in-hand and outside to the car. We were driving with Leo and Dom while the James parents drove in the other car. Leo's parents were busy with his sister and Dom's parents were away on business so it was just going to be us.

James was driving and I was in the passenger seat; Leo was behind James and Dom was behind me because he needed more leg room. Even though when I said he could have the front seat he refused.

We begun driving towards the suit shop. And let's just say, we were going to be there for awhile.

So this isn't relevant to the story but I just wanted to say this. First off thank you so much for all the love you guys have been giving this story. It means so much to me. Also I just wanted to leave this invitation open to anyone, if you want someone to talk to or just are going through a tough time feel free to PM me. I might not respond immediately, but I definitely will. Anyway again Thank you! Love you all🖤


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