Chapter 1: Why can't it be like that? Because I'm yours.♥

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Jesy's POV

I followed the girls off the stage of Summertime Ball and we all ran straight towards the dressings room that had offered to us, we were all simply buzzing just like we were after every show. For some reason during one of our last songs I felt distracted and I knew the girls could sense it too. That was the problem with being so close with your bandmates but still harboring a secret, they knew I had something to hide but bless their hearts they wouldn't dream of asking me about it until I was ready.

"Jesy? Babe! Your phone is making so much noise!"

Jade's voice broke my train of thought as I looked over at the girl's who were already changing out of their outfits and doing their own thing before blinking and looking around the room for my phone, running over to the sitting area and picking it up from the table, hoping that it was from that one special brown eyed girl. My prayers were answered as her face popped up on a face time, excusing myself out into the hallway I swiped to answer it and smiled widely as I was greeted by the beauty that is my girlfriend Ally Brooke Hernandez.

"Hi baby!" Ally chirped giving me a giant smile as I bit my lip admiring her for a moment before realizing I had to respond.

"Hi there lovely, you look beautiful like always." I responded sliding down against the wall, holding the phone close to my face so if the girls were to peek out of the room they couldn't see who I was on the phone with. The girl on the other side blushed before biting her lip. God, the things she does to me and she probably doesn't even realize it.

"You're one to talk!" Ally let out a laugh and moved the phone to show me that she was in a simple tank and sweat combo before bringing it back up to her face as I gave her a whistle. She was honest one of the most breathtaking women in the world but she never believed me. "So, babe I was watching the live stream of your performances like a good girlfriend." She said with a cheeky smile before letting her tone change into a serious one "And you seemed pretty..uh distracted during Secret Love Song, what's up?"

Oh, Ally. Bless her she was honestly too good for me, she paid attention to every detail and even confessed to stalking my hashtags on Twitter just to see what I'm up to since I'm not the biggest fan of social media. I must have been quiet for a moment too long because I was taken out of my state of thought by Ally saying random Spanish sentences at me trying to get my attention.

"Oh, well. Yeah I guess you know how the whole publicity stunt thing with Jake is over?" I met her eyes for a moment before she looked away, I could feel her hurt from the other end of the phone, even though I had told her that Jake was just to get the "lesbian" rumors off my back since management was still trying to clean up the whole "Perrie and Zayn" thing and neither one of the other girls were dating at that moment they decided to hook me up with a guy that would make Little Mix look good. Obviously they didn't know about me and Ally but it was still pretty hard on both of us, especially after they threw in and engagement, but by good means we broke it off when I confessed to Jake about Ally and he had confessed about some random girl.

"And what?" Ally said her voice getting a little bit rougher than she meant it, I knew she was getting annoyed with all my moments of staring into space, but I had something big on my mind and I needed to tell her before I backed out.

"And I mean we're 23 and 25 and our careers are doing really well, plus I just don't want to live a lie anymore Ally. We should come out, to everyone." I sucked on my lower lip and was happy that for the first time that Ally was only on the other side of a phone screen because I don't think I would have the strength to tell her face to face.

"Jesminda..." Ally said softly as she met my gaze and kept eye contact before spreading into a smile "That might be the sweetest thing you've ever told me." She let out  a laugh "I'm so happy that this was the thing that was bothering you and you weren't planning to like ditch me or something.."

As soon as she called me Jesminda, I knew I was in the clear. She only called me that when she was happy/excited. I watched her face brighten up and gave her a playful eye roll "I'd never ditch you babe, you're my girl."

She clapped her hands happily before tapping her chin "How are we going to do this? Post a video to the fans? Post a selfie.." she carried on with ideas and plans and even offered to higher a photographer to snap pictures of us and sell them to websites.

I let out a laugh and listened to her before looking over when the girl's let out a laugh and started chatting away. Oh shit, I should probably tell my best friends before telling the world.

"Babe? Let me break the news to the girls first before we tell anyone else. I just don't want them to think I didn't feel comfortable telling them. I'll text you as soon as I do and then we'll go from there."

Ally smiled and kissed the phone screen "Sounds good babe! I'm going to do the same tonight after the show. We can trade how they reacted stories! I love you so much." She blew me a kiss before hanging up.

Getting up from the floor and staring at the phone screen until her picture faded, I walked towards the door entrance and took a deep breath. The next few words out of my mouth could change how these girls feel about me. But it was now or never.

{Sorry if this sucks, I was rushed and saw a Ally x Jesy story on tumblr that never got updated so I decided why not? :P}

Secret Lovers. ♥Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz