"Momma...this-this is Marie..."

I kindly intervene, "Marie Herrara ma'am."

I smile sweetly. She moves E away as she welcomes me with a hug.

"Oh babygirl I've heard so much about ya! Glad to finally meet you! You's mighty beautiful too sweetheart. "

I blush and smile sheepishly.

"Thank you Mrs. Presley."

She stands back and pats my shoulder.

"Honey call me Gladys. Now come on you two. I made dinner, you're favorite son. Extra deep fried chicken, mashed potatos with gravy, and biscuits."

E's eyes went wide. He nearly ran to the other room. So much for hosting me. I laugh as Gladys wraps her arm around my shoulder to lead me in to the dinning room.

"I'm sorry sweetie. He gets a little too excited when he hears anythin' bout food."

"I can tell." I quietly said.

She pats my back while giggling. As we enter the dinning room Vernon looks up from the table. E comes back from the kitchen and glances at me. Shy, I stood there with his mother.

"Oh! Pa this is well, Marie."

"Marie, I'd like ya to meet my old man."

I smile wide as Vernon stands up to give me a tight hug.

"Welcome, sweetheart. Honor to finally meet ya."

Vernon sweetly smiles as he sat down. He gestures me to sit next to him. I oblige as Elvis pulls the seat out for me. Excitedly, E sits next to my right side. Gladys quickly disappears but joins us again with plates in her hands.

"Oh I'll help you ma'am." I say trying to get up.

"Sweetie it's fine. You're the guest. I'm only feeding the bottomless stomach ova' here first."

I turn to E as he sheepishly grins. She puts his plate on the table and within seconds he has his mouth full of mashed potatoes. Next, she sets down my plate and Vernon's.

"Thank you, Gladys."

She smiles, "you're quite welcome sweetheart."

She leaves to the kitchen once again comes back balancing her plate and four Pepsis. She gives one to each of us and once again, I say "thank you". She sweetly smiles and looks at E a bit annoyed.

"Well, let's start eatin' shall we?"

E just chuckles as I eat the mashed potatoes and biscuits. Vernon looks up from his plate to me.

"So darlin' is it true you're from the future?" He said curiously asks.

I was expecting that question and grin.

"I am actually. I'm from the year 2013 as insane that sounds."

Vernon whistles shocked.

"How is it?" Gladys adds.

My expression was blank and they already sort of knew I disliked it.

"Let's just say, Vegas 1957 sounds a lot better."

Gladys' eyes grew curious.

"You're from that city sweety??"

I nod as Vernon got interested in the conversation.
"Did ya work over there sweetheart?"

"Yes sir. I'm- was a psychologist at a hospital."

All three Presley's put their forks down. All I could hear were forks hitting the ceramic plates.

I look at all three Presley's confused.

"Is something the matter?" I finally spit out embarrassed.

"Sweety that's a mighty fine career you have." Gladys spoke out.

I turn to her still confused.

"It's not usual for a woman to be so high in the medical field, let alone work." She sweetly said.

Dumbfounded, all I ended up saying was "oh, I see."

I look down beginning to eat again.

"The food is delicious Gladys."

Gladys beams, "thank you sweetie! I try."

We all continued to eat and enjoy Gladys amazing home cooked meal with Elvis getting up for another plate over and over again. We chatted and laughed all through dinner.


I decide to help Gladys pick up the table. She refused in the beginning but I insisted.

"Sweetheart, you're the guest. You ain't sposed to do the dirty work."

I began drying the dishes as she finished washing the last dishes.

"I don't mind helping you Gladys. You made an amazing dinner and I'd like to thank you by helping you clean up."

She laughs quietly.

"Well thank you babygirl. It's nice to have some more femininity in this house. Even if it's for the evening."

She finishes washing the last dish.

"It balances out with the testosterone doesn't it?"

Finally, we finish washing and drying the dishes. She grabs my hand and smiles.


As we made our way to join the guys outside by the pool, Gladys slows down her pace.

"You know sweetheart, I haven't seen my baby this happy since he was discovered by Sun Records..you're doin' mighty fine with my boy. I'd like to thank you is all. And say he's been head over heels over your cute self."

I was completely caught off gaurd. I still manage to smile wide. I stop dead in my tracks though, I glance at Gladys. She was pouring her heart out.

"Oh ma'am.. I don't know what to say.,, Thank you. And believe me. He's been making me feel the same way since I met him too."

She heartily smiles.

"I know you'll stay with him for a long time sweetie. Maybe even forever, I hope."

"I truly believe you. And let me say I wouldn't mind that at all."

She gives me a tight hug. I have yet to see her worried face. I've seen nothing but smiles and positivity from this lovely woman. After our little talk we finally joined the guys by the pool. They look at up from their beers. I sat next to E while Gladys sat next to Vernon. He wraps his arm around Gladys and smirks at us.

"Y'all look like a fine couple."

E chuckles nervously which makes me blush.

"Come on, Pop. What were we talking about before?"

Vernon chuckles.

All night I got to know the Presley's a lot more. I had a great evening with them. From laughing to serious talks it was all very joyous. Just like they're son, Vernon and Gladys were humble sweet parents that love their only child to bits. They even rejoiced when I said I was an only child as well. I wouldn't trade this moment for the world.

As we said our goodbyes, Gladys gave me a peck on the cheek and so did Vernon.
"I can't wait to see ya again sweetheart."
Gladys kindly says.

"Likewise Gladys."

The Presley's wave from the front door as E led me to the passenger side of the car. He got in and quickly turns to me.


"Well what?"
E glares at me with a serious face.

"I love them E." I say with a small smile.

E's big grin returns, relieved.

"Ready to go home?" he sweetly asks.

I shake my head no and he chuckles. He holds my hand the whole way home.

From the Future? Elvis Presley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now