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I woke up to find Chris gone. This shouldn't bother me but it did. It's funny to think at one point I didn't wake up to see him, now I can't fathom a day or night without him. God I'm whipped.

Mumbling insults at myself, I swung my legs out of bed and got up. I made coffee first and then grabbed my phone to see if Chris said anything. He hadn't.

A person in my position shouldn't assume the worst but of course I did. After all I had seen him in a hospital looking pretty beaten up because of his bus. Also being that I heard about Chris Schistad and his ways before knowing him I didn't want to take any caution.

First I texted him. Then when he didn't respond I called Noora who would be first to know where William would be and therefore where Chris would be.



"Noora! Oh thank God you picked up!"

"What's wrong?"

"Chris. I don't know where he is and he's not responding to his phone I was hoping you or William would know?"

"Uhm okay William hasn't texted me since last night I'll call him and text you okay? Don't worry too much chances are he just forgot to check his phone or something."

"Yeah you're probably right thanks Noora."


Noora texted me after 15 minutes saying William didn't know either and I was officially stressed. First thing I did was look for something that would tell me where Chris was. Suddenly I heard something go off. After following the noise I lifted a shirt of his he had forgotten to take home and found his phone.

"Fucking hell." I muttered picking it up and seeing all my missed calls and texts. There was probably a good reason he was gone and I had just overreacted. I waited for him to come back and checked the time, it was 10 o'clock and this was usually the time I woke up but I felt cold without him near me and woke up earlier.

The door opened and I rushed to the front, sliding in my socks as I saw Chris with a bag in his hand.

"You're back!" I hugged him widely, and stumbled into him as my socks slid. He chuckled at my clumsiness.

"I wanted to surprise you by bringing breakfast in bed."

"You idiot I got so worried, there's about 3 million messages and calls on your phone, which I found just now." I mumbled the last part.

"Aww you were worried." Chris teased and pinched my cheeks. I blushed and frowned.

"No what me? I just didn't want to find you were dead because of a gang war or something." I muttered out and picked at my nails. Chris caught me by the chin and tilted my head up to look at him, pressing his lips into mine.

"I'm sorry I should have left a note or taken my phone. You usually wake up later so I thought I'd bring you breakfast in bed but I guess we'll just have to eat here." I shook my head and pulled him into the bedroom before he set the bag down. I quickly pushed him onto the bed and took the bag placing it between us.

I laid down under the covers, shivering at the absence of warmth in my bed, Chris pulled me closer because of this. We ate the pancakes quickly and then cuddled. I loved mornings with Chris because not only was he great at cuddling but he smelled great too. Most guys or girls I'd been with had bad morning breath but whenever he kissed me I didn't notice a thing, not to mention his clothes smelled amazing too.

We stayed in bed for hours. Chris asked me to sing to him which was an odd request since I only sang in the shower or in my car by myself.

"I can't sing!" I protested and he burrowed his face into my neck kissing the back of it.

"I don't believe that. You could prove me wrong?" I hummed in response and decided I would prove him wrong. I sang the first song that came to mind and that I knew well enough to sing.

There's something tragic about you
Something so magic about you
Don't you agree?
There's something lonesome about you
Something so wholesome about you
Get closer to me
No tired sighs, no rolling eyes, no irony
No 'who cares', no vacant stares, no time for me
Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door"

I stopped then as I didn't know if Chris wanted me to continue or not. He sighed before speaking which made me even more nervous.

"You were great and I'm not just saying it because I'm your boyfriend." I turned around then to see if he was teasing or not. He seemed serious so I gave him a suspicious look. "I'm serious."

"I'll be signing autographs after you buy me dinner." Chris chuckled and then tickled my sides causing me to gasp and then laugh like an idiot. I asked him to rap for me then since it was only fair. He said he couldn't rap but he liked freestyle dancing sometimes. I made him promise to show me.

After that we made out for a while and then Chris suggested we get out of bed and he show me some moves. I jumped out of bed still clad in one of his shirts and knee high socks. I connected my phone to my speakers and pressed shuffle, automatically Fake Love by Drake started playing. Chris started dancing like REALLY well and I cheered. Then when he stopped he pulled me to him and we started dancing, mixed in with me sliding on the hardwood floors.

We were dancing so closely my legs got tangled in his and when I slipped we both fell. I laughed so hard my gut started hurting and Chris was still laughing when I tried getting up and fell again.

"As hot as you look those socks need to come off. Maybe the shirt too." Chris said standing up and pulling me up as well. I raised my eyebrow at his statement and then pulled the shirt over my head. Chris quickly picked me up and walked us away from the living room.

A/n: hey guys sorry for slow updates school is ruining my life so updates will probably be like this from now on,, also the news about Herman not being in season 4 has me emo but at least we have this fic to give us our p Chris fill thanks for 80k I love you guys so so much 💜

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