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Chris was going to pick me up at 8 which meant I had at least an hour to show Eva all my outfit choices over Skype. I had tried many different things and we concluded that without knowing where I was going it was impossible to dress perfectly.

I had asked Chris what we might be doing but he gave me a vague answer. All I knew was it wasn't going to be anything too fancy since I had reminded him on several occasions that formal first dates were a bad idea. I didn't exactly expect Chris to plan an outstanding first date anyway being he didn't have much experience with the dating part of being with someone.

Finally Eva and I came to a decision. Mostly it was me insisting this outfit was the one.

Chris picked me up and he remained mostly silent about the date until we arrived

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Chris picked me up and he remained mostly silent about the date until we arrived. It seemed he had driven us to a park and then he pulled out blankets and a bag from the back seats.

"Stargazing." He grinned and gestured for me to lie down on the blanket he had laid out on the grass. I was surprised by this as I actually loved stargazing when I was little. I hadn't done it in the longest time and I couldn't help but grin back as I lay down.

He soon joined me on the ground and lay next to me, only our shoulders touching. The stars were beautiful, like tiny little glimmers lighting up the sky. I shivered as a gust of wind traveled down my body. Chris saw this and reached for something near him, a blanket. He put it on top of us and moved closer, then suddenly stiffened.

"Is this okay?" He inquired before moving closer to me again. I nodded and turned slightly onto my side so I was closer to Chris and I moved one arm to go around him. The fact that he had asked made me continue to smile as I gazed up at the night sky.

"I didn't know if you would like this. I was so scared you would hate it." Chris whispered as we were so close to each other.

"No I love it, this is perfect. The last time I did this I was with my aunt, I was so happy then." I thought about the fond memory smiling as I remembered the entire day we had spent at the park and then at night we gazed at the stars. It was a perfect day, a day filled with innocence and joy.

"What about now? Are you happy now?" He turned to look at me and I mirrored his action.

"I am." Looking into his warm brown eyes I decided to let myself trust Chris Schistad, if he broke this trust I would be heartbroken but then I would make his life a living hell and so would my friends, this was just a truth I held self-evident.

Surprising myself once again, and probably him as well, I leaned completely onto my side and pressed my lips to his. Automatically Chris moved in sync understanding exactly what this kiss meant to me. Once we pulled away our foreheads touched.

"I hope I can continue to make you happy." Chris murmured and I grinned at this statement kissing him softly once again. We stayed in each other's arms for a while, trying to stay warm, but we didn't prevail. The cold was becoming too much for us to bear and it was getting late so we packed up and Chris drove me home.

He walked me to my door and before I could open the door he took my hand to spin me around. Chris leaned me up against the door as he kissed me. I couldn't get enough of him so I didn't exactly discourage him. After breaking away I chuckled at his everlasting smirk and pushed him lightly. Finally opening the door I went inside and Chris began to leave.

"See you tomorrow Alex." He shot me a smile then turned to walk back to his car.

"Stay." I called after him. Chris stopped in his tracks and turned back around, a ghost of a smirk appearing on his face.

"What?" He teased as he moved to my front door.

"Don't make me repeat myself." I grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him inside, bringing him close enough to kiss. Chris chuckled at my forceful actions and I grinned as I kissed him.


"Chris." I nudged him lightly with my elbow.

"Chris get up! We have to go to school."
I attacked him with a pillow and this seemed to work as he groggily murmured,

"Few more minutes." After saying this he pulled me to him, spooning, and holding me so tight I couldn't escape. Chris had slept over after we stayed up talking about superheroes, awful parents, and how horror movies had only gotten worse over time. He was shirtless and I only wore his shirt so when he pulled me against him I stiffened.

When going to sleep we had stuck to our sides of the bed, during the night we ended up cuddling, but before he woke I managed to disentangle our limbs and migrate to my side of the bed once again. I let myself relax after realizing Chris wasn't moving until the 5 minutes were over.

"Time's up Chris you have to get up."

"No! Can't we just stay like this forever?" He murmured into my hair and I smiled at the thought but shook my head.

"We have to go to school, we'll be late if you don't get up now." I stated and he groaned.

"Only call me your boyfriend." I blushed as he requested this. I hadn't had a serious boyfriend since middle school so maybe this was what made me blush.

"Fine, can you please get up, boyfriend?" At this Chris released me from his grasp and jumped out of bed. I giggled at his ways and crawled out after him.

A/n: hey guys lemme know if you want the next chap to start right where this left off or start at some other point in time, if you chose option 1 it would just be like they're morning routine but together and then off to school
Anyways thanks for all the support as always and I love you guys :)

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