All I remember is that me and my friends, Natasha and Ana, partying at this club with some REALLY hot guys and then we started drinking and one of the guys walked me out to the car, because we were about to leave, and he started kissing my neck. I told him to get lost and he kept doing it and then something, or someone pushed me to the ground and everything went blank. Vlad told me that I woke up in a puddle of blood from somewhere "Unknown" as he put it.

But I know he's a vampire; he just won't feed around me, why I don't know and I don't think I really want to know because it sounds so horrible in books. I can feel that he's already up and he's been up since before I was. I know he has been awake because I felt his eyes on me and that's how I usually wake up. I can feel his breathe on the back of my neck his lips so close to it you'd think he'd be kissing it. I hear him say my name really soft at first, "Claire" "Claire" he does this every night before he goes hunting. He doesn't take me with him because he thinks I'll be traumatized and never want to be around him.

I should be thankful he chose me, a girl that comes from a broken home where her father beats her, her mother's an alcoholic and her sisters a prostitute/druggy. I wonder if they notice I'm gone or if they even miss me, probably not. I feel him kiss my cheek and I turn and look at him, he says "You look beautiful even with your hair all tangled like it is." He says to me playing with my hair, running his fingers threw it. I look away and don't say anything as usual. He gets irritated and says "Fine be like that! See if I care!!" and walks into the bathroom breaking the door, yet again.

Natalie, his sister, also a vampire, comes in grabs me by the shoulders and walks with me into her room. She sits me on the bed and tries to brush my hair. I think she does this because she doesn't need to brush hers. I guess that's another plus to being a vampire you never have to do your hair because you look beautiful always. She pulls out a beautiful black short dress with the back missing and it swoops down in the front. She gives it to me and says "Put it on, it's almost dinner time." Ironic right? They don't even eat they just sit there and watch me and after I'm done the maid comes and takes me back inside Vlads room.

Why I have to be stuck in that hell whole I will never know! I wish I just had a little freedom here. At least at home I could leave and no one would care. But every time Vlad throws a fit because I won't talk to him, which is every day, he'll go out and buy me my romance novels. He said I'd love it here but I don't, I haven't started to yet and I don't think I ever will.

The only person I care for so far is Natalie because she's not like Vlad in anyway. She's a little shorter than me without heels on. She has brown hair he has blonde hair and despite what you've read in the Twilight books vampires eyes aren't golden or pitch black. Vlads are a gorgeous icy blue almost white and Natalie's are a jade green color. Now don't get me wrong they're both GORGEOUS, there's just something different about Natalie. She's his twin, I think, because they look the same and they fight like brother and sister. I know for sure it's not his girlfriend or wife for one because if Vlad was my boyfriend I wouldn't let him be around other girls, for obvious reasons. And two she's not his wife because of the first reason and because you can tell she's never worn a wring on that finger.

Natalie leaves to go into Vlads room and I can hear them screaming at each other. But it doesn't last as long as it normally does. Natalie comes back in taking my hand and leading me down the amazing spiral staircase into the huge foyer and then into the dining room where Natalie, Vlad, all of the servants and I will be "eating." But it doesn't last long I take a few bites and then lose my appetite and I shove the plate away. Vlad huffs but quickly calms down when Natalie shoots him an evil glare.

After I go back into Vlads room it's around 12:30 and Natalie and he are out hunting they usually come back around 1. That's when I get to take my showers and get cleaned up. Around two or three is when I'm back to sleep with Vlad behind me holding onto me tight. I think he holds my tightly because he doesn't want me to get up and run away. Which is absurd because I don't even know where I am let alone where I'd go? But I also think that it makes him happy, like he's finally got someone to love.

When he gets back he says "We have to go to a party sometime tomorrow night." he doesn't tell me when or where. He says "You better get in the shower." Then he leaves for his room and I watch him go. I got undressed and I turned the water on hot and got in. 20 minutes later I got out and put my clothes on. I walk to his room and see he's lying on his bed waiting for me. I look at him and he says "Come on you need to go to sleep." So I climb into bed with him and we lay in the same spot we always do, his arm around my waist and him at my back with his face buried in my still wet hair.

I look at him and he kisses me. I kiss him back and he kisses me harder and harder I try to tell him to stop but I can't because my lips wouldn't form the words. He puts his hands on my breasts grabbing them and I moan. He pulls back away from me to take his shirt off, and I try to tell him to stop but it won't come out of my mouth. After he gets his shirt off he starts kissing down my chest and I moan his name. He looks at me and smiles and continues down further getting to my pants. I look at him with pleading eyes, trying to tell him without words, to stop, that I don't want this. But he doesn't get the hint and starts taking my pants off. I take a huff and the words just spill out, "Vlad please I'm not ready! I don't want to do that tonight! Oh my god please don't do this." He sits up looming over me and I bite my lip hard looking up at him. I look away too afraid of what he might do to me, moments later I felt his hand caress my cheek and wipe away a tear I didn't know had started to fall. "It's ok Claire De Lune, we don't have to do anything you don't want too...I'd never force you to do anything you don't want to." He says to me quietly. He moves off of me and lies behind me wrapping his arm around me tightly. I close my eyes, letting the tears run free now. I turn around to bury my face into his chest while he plays with my hair; I look up at him and gently kiss him. He looked a little startled but then kisses me back playing with my hair more and I kiss him harder. "Vlad, I think I might be ready...Just please be gentle ok?" I said to Vlad trying to keep my voice from shaking. He looked down at me and held me closer, "Are you sure Claire? I am not going to force you to do anything." I nod and kiss him again. He finally understood and he was gentle, easy and full of love. I'd never made love before but I know that was the best anyone could have ever had.

I never loved anyone before but I knew...I just knew somehow at some point in time, I could learn to love Vlademier Romanoff and all of his flaws. He was my night and shining armor, even if I didn't know I needed it.

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