Dark Angel Part 8

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you then," Jungkook said, mysteriously, as he hung up. I pulled my phone away from my ear and stared in disbelief. I felt so giddy inside but I knew I should've been so calm. 

I immediately called Miku, who wasn't so happy with me waking her up.

"Jinja?" She gasped.


"Omo! We have so much to decide. What are we going to wear? Do we put on makeup or not?" She spoke aloud as thoughts passed through her head.

"I don't know!" I freaked.

"Okay. Okay. I'll be over there in a minute."

Miku came over and we planned our outfits. I wore black ripped jeans with a white crop top. My hair hung loose over my shoulders. Miku wore light skinny jeans and a loose black shirt. The hours until 2:00 passed super quickly and also, so slowly.

We drove to the stadium and fans were already lining up outside the building. We took the back entrance and were stopped by a couple of people. The first being the guard at the main gate and the second being another guard at the door to get in. We shyly told them the secret code word and they let us through immediately. 

When we walked in, the sound of music was barely audible. As we walked further through the halls though, the music grew louder. We followed the sound and found a door leading to a big open room. But this wasn't any normal room. This was the arena.

The stage was lit up with bright lights and the boys danced along with the music. They each held microphones, which they brought up to their mouth when it was their turn to sing. Miku and I found two seats off to the side and watched as the boys finished their rehearsals. 

"That's it. We're done." A man said over the speakers. The boys all dropped to the ground, groaning. Stylists rushed over to dab away the sweat. Miku and I stood up and clapped. The boys all lifted their heads, confused at the sudden sound. We started walking closer to the stage.

"Nari!" Jungkook yelled as he sat up. He walked over to the side of the stage where I was and reached his arm down. I took his hand and he easily lifted me up to the stage, even though it was almost as tall as me.

"Wow. We got Mr. Muscles over here." I joked. "Thanks." I turn around and saw Miku, standing there, expecting to be helped up as well.

"So what? I'm just going to hang down here?" She complained, but a smile covered her face the whole time. I rolled my eyes and leaned over with Jungkook to help her up.

"Wow!" Miku sang as she spun around, looking at the stadium. "I've never seen it from this angle before. It looks smaller from here. Hey Nari! Remember when you scored that awesome goal from the corner over there?" Miku asked. The other boys started to gather around, but Miku seemed to not notice.

"Oh I do! That was so awesome!" I laughed as Miku walked closer and held out her arm. A smirk rose on my face and the next second we were both deep into our handshake. We burst out laughing at our sudden stupidity in front of so many people.

"Hello!" said a friendly voice. Miku and I turned and saw all seven of the boys standing and smiling at us.

"Oh, sorry." I laughed. "Hello. I'm Nari."

"And I'm Miku."

"This is the girl I was telling you about. The one I met on the street who is on the national soccer team." Jungkook introduced us.

"Oh yeah! That's why you talked about the stadium that way. You've played down here before," said a friendly boy with a boxy grin."Hi! I'm Taehyung." The rest of the members introduced themselves and right after the last member, Hoseok, did so, they were dragged off by the stylists.

"All of you are so funny," I told Jungkook as he walked beside me down the hall. Miku was talking to Jimin behind us.

"Yeah, some of them are idiots as well," Jungkook laughed.

"Ya! I heard that!" Yoongi turned and scolded Jungkook. We both laughed as Yoongi turned back around.

"I'm so glad you came," said Jungkook.

"I'm so happy I got to come. And thanks for letting me drag Miku along," I added.

"Haha! No problem. I think she's getting along with Jimin." We both turned our heads to look at the pair who were laughing with each other. Miku definitely had an interest for Jimin. She wasn't this social with just anybody. Jimin poked Miku in the stomach, making her laugh.

Jungkook and I turned back to each other, our faces only inches apart. We both laughed and a warm feeling spread over me. I wasn't expecting that this would turn out to be the best night of my life.


Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment your thoughts! Thanks!

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