Dark Angel Part 6

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Jungkook POV

I was sent another job; to take the life of a lonely homeless person. He was old and weary, but even that didn't make it right to kill him.

How did I get into this mess? It started from when I was younger. My stepfather saved my life. Not the way you're thinking though. I was already dead. I had run out in front of a car as a young child. The collision killed me. At the time, I didn't know my stepfather was a dark angel. But all dark angels have one power. A power they can only use once; bring someone back to life. My stepfather knew how much I meant to my mother, so he saved me. But this power comes with a cost. There are two choices. The resurrected person must become a dark angel or the original dark angel must die. Just because my stepfather saved me, that didn't mean he loved me enough to die. So from there, I became a dark angel.

Dark Angels have one purpose; to kill. We get missions over time and we have to complete them. After a certain amount of missions, we are given our freedom. We become normal humans. But I have only been an angel for about ten years. I still have a long time until I earn my freedom.

Tonight would have been like any other night, except for that I ran into Nari. Just like the first time I had seen her, she was on a run. Even underneath all that sweat, it still found her beautiful. I didn't know what it was, but I was attracted to her. She clouded my thoughts most of the time. Her skin, her hair, her voice. I thought about them all the time and I couldn't stop.

I sat above her and stared at her. It pained me to see her cry and I didn't even know why she was crying. I hope it wasn't because of me. Her shoulders shook as she cried. I wanted to reach out and comfort her. But the dark angel part of me took over and instead of comforting her, I threw her into the alley she sat next to.

She seemed confused and scared as she rubbed the tears from her eyes. She sat in my shadow from the moonlight. She looked around, her eyes finally settling on my face. The dark angel found it funny that, as her eyes settled on me, fear set in. He laughed, looking down at the small puppy, scared and alone. My wings stretched out behind me and her eyes widened at the sight.

"What are you?" she questioned, her voice shaking. Her thoughts passed through me. 'He looks like a dark angel.'

"I'm exactly that," I said, smirking. "I take lives. I turn light into darkness. I turn happiness into sorrow." I stared her in the eye, waiting for her reaction. "I am a dark angel."

She opened her mouth and what at first was a gasp, turned into a scream. A scream that, left to continue, would catch the attention of people nearby. Moments like these, I didn't make the decisions. The angel did. And he didn't like her screaming.

With a scrunched face, he pushed off with his wings, slamming into the little puppy, sending her flying against the wall. She hit the wall with a thud, falling to the ground, a limp figure. She laid with her eyes close, unmoving.

I struggled, but managed to pull myself into normal form. I fell to the ground, weak from the fight. I caught myself and stood back up, walking over to Nari's small form. I kneeled beside her and held her head in my hands. She was still alive, just unconscious. I slid my arms underneath her and lifted her up. Her head rested against my shoulder, the warmth from her cheek touching my skin.

I walked down the alley, in the direction of her house. Water splashed away from my foot as I stepped in the occasional puddle. The moonlight reflected in Nari's hair and her tan skin added beauty to her calm face. I could feel her heartbeat as I walked along the street and I knew mine was trying to match hers. It was a well known fact that angels could fall in love with only one person. I just wasn't expecting that it would happen this way.

I reached Nari's house and flew us up to her window. I snuck in and placed Nari down on her bed. I gently laid her head on the pillow and pulled the sheets up to cover her.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way," I said, staring at her sleeping face. Leaning forward, I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, her cool skin warming underneath mine. "I promise I will protect you, even from him." Stepping away, I exited through the window, taking one last look at her. I jumped from the window and glided down into the darkness.

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