Dark Angel Part 4

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We started the handshake, the movements imbedded into my brain. Before every game, Miku and I did our special handshake that had been added to over the years. We ended the handshake with a jump into the air and our shoulders bumping into each other.

Many of our teammates wore a smile and shook their heads, laughing at us two children.

The roar of the fans could be heard even in the tunnel as we prepared to step out onto the field. We stood in order of number. Being number 20, I stood somewhere in the middle. Miku was 21, and she stood right behind me.

The other team, the national team of China, stood beside us, also lined up by number. Children lined the outside of each team, holding the hand of a player.

Soon, the referee picked up the game ball and started to the end of the tunnel. We followed behind and we were greeted by the roar of the fans.

Although the fans didn't fill the stadium, the number was more than usual. Women's soccer wasn't the most popular sport. The men's had more fans. But the numbers of people attending our games had increased over the year. We were getting better and that brought more people.

We stopped at the center of the field and prepared to play the national anthem of both countries. After that, we shook hands with the other team and huddled together on the field. The captain gave us our pep talk and sent us off with a cheer.

I positioned myself on the halfway line of the field. Miku stood further back, sitting in her position as midfielder.

The sound of a whistle filled my ears, announcing that the game was on.


"Cheers!" Our team yelled as we clashed our cups together. Although everyone was drinking alcohol, Miku and I were underage and sported a glass of lemonade.

It had been years since Korea beat China and tonight, we accomplished that. So we decided to go out and celebrate. It was late, almost one in the morning. But that didn't keep us from having a fun time.

My phone buzzed, making the table shake and causing Miku to lift up her head to look at me. I usually didn't get notifications at this time of night.

'You were tagged in a tweet,' said the notification. It was from Twitter, which was weird since I usually didn't get notifications unless it involved another verified account.

I slid my phone open and peered at the tweet that I was mentioned in.

"Congrats to the @SKwomensSoccer  team for beating China for the first time in 15 years! What an amazing hat trick @NaRi Good job! #JK"

(A/N: a hat trick is where a player scores three goals in one game)

I looked at the account of the person who had tweeted it and was surprised to see that it was a group under the entertainment company BigHit.

Things started to click in my mind and I realized that Jungkook was under BigHit and that the 'JK' part most likely stood for Jungkook. It looked like he had done his research.

"What's that?" Miku asked. I smiled at her, amused.

"I'll tell you later." I closed my phone and slid it to the side. Miku nodded her head, understand our secret language we had seemed to create over the years.

"So?" Miku asked eagerly as she bounced on the couch beside me. She sat with her legs crossed and I turned to her, settling in the same position.

"Don't get all freaky on me. It's nothing big," I warned her before explaining. "You know how I went out jogging the other day." Miku nodded her head. "When I was running I ran into someone and that someone turned out to be part of a boy band." I barely finished before Miku started squealing. In the back of my head, a voice was urging me to tell Miku everything. Everything before meeting the boy on the street. But I kept it to myself, scared of what she might think.

"Omo! Was he cute? What did he look like? What band is he in?" All these questions flowed out of Miku's mouth without her taking a breath.

"Yes. Tall, brown hair. And based off of the tweet, BTS," I answered all her questions at once.

"Ok so this is where it connects with the notification. Did he mention you in a tweet or something?" Miku asked, calming down more.

"Yeah, he was just congratulating us on our win and tagged me because of the hat trick," I told her, looking back at my phone like I had done earlier.

"Omo this could finally turn into something," Miku said excitedly.

"I don't have that bad of a record," I scolded her.

"You've been single your whole life," Miku acknowledged. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, true."

"Did you reply?" Miku asked.

"No but I sent him a direct message," I answered.

"What did you say?" Miku was getting excited again. I looked at my phone, rereading the four words in my head. They didn't mean much but they actually meant so much. It was weird to think that I was going to have a friend that was a guy. I was always surrounded by girls and I never had time to be around guys. I didn't know how to react around them and I didn't know how to read them.

I looked up from my phone and read the message aloud for Miku to hear.

"You did your research."

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