Naomi walked up to Sebastian's and her's office, walking into the room she stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the person on the couch, “Why is it that when I went to my son's house this weekend I saw you in the window?” Sebastian father stood, and his height was an amazing 6'1 but not nearly as tall as Sebastian's 6'8 frame. For some reason knowing that Sebastian was taller it made Naomi feel a bit more confident. “Well sir I was there this weekend.” Naomi kept it vague not wanting to give him anything.

Giovanni notice that, even though he knew good and well what was happening in his son's house the man still asked, “What were you going there?”

By the time the words left his mouth the door behind Naomi opened again, “Father, why are you here and talking to Naomi?” Sebastian's hand came up to her lower back and pushed her in the direction of his desk. “Naomi why don't you take a seat.” She did what she was told and sat in his chair watching the two men in front of her.

This time when the door opened it was not so good but at the same time it was good, Tiffany and Sebastian's mother walked into the room. “SEBASTIAN! Why is that whore sitting in your chair? I thought you loved me, we were going to get married.” Naomi could not help the snort that came out of her mouth, with that noise Sebastian had a small smile on his face.

Sebastian's hand came up and rub his temples, “Do not scream like a banshee in my office! Why are you even here, hello mom.”

Grace smiled at her son, “Hello baby.” She turned and faced her husband, “Giovanni Charles Pierce I have told you before, do not get into our sons love life! He does not want to date Tiffany so stop forcing her onto him. Let him grow and find true love not a slut that is on her knees more times then she eats.” She turned to Tiffany next, “Get the hell out of my sons life, you are a gold digger and I am so happy he came to realize that.” For being tiny she spoke as if she was a giant and towered over everyone. She turned to Naomi, Naomi face drained of all color she was more then sure she had turned white in front of everyone.

Naomi didn't know what to do Grace stood there staring at her, “Mom you're scaring her.”

A smile broke out on Grace's face, “I'm sorry dear. I am happy he found someone like you, even though you two do not know what your are right now. I can tell you care for him deeply and just as much as he cares for you.” Naomi didn't know what to say, for heaven's sake she didn't even know what to think. She felt everyone eyes on her and some were filled with hate, others with understanding, and the last sets of eyes held her they were filled with love.

Tiffany walked over to the door, “This is far from over.” Slamming the door as she left, Naomi still could not find it in herself to relax just yet.

Naomi watched as Grace went over to her husband, “We have lots to talk about Hun, lets go.” She gently pushed him out the door, but before she left she turned her eyes on Naomi again, “I am sorry dear for my husband behavior and my little outburst.” She walked out.

She walked out and left Naomi with Sebastian, Sebastian had yet to move from his spot. His muscular back was still to her, and she watched as his shirt tighten with every breath. Naomi didn't know what to say or even to do almost everything was out on the table and out so soon. So she did the only thing she knew how to do; work she got up and went over to her desk. “Sir I am going to get started on the power point for the presentation tomorrow.” That made Sebastian's eyes go over her body.

He wanted her that was for sure, Sebastian knew he was demanding, possessive, and this whole time he was trying to hold that back. He didn't want to pressure Naomi into anything, but all of his will power flew out the door with his parents and Tiffany. So Sebastian did the one and only thing he has been wanting to do to the black haired beauty, his large frame walked over to Naomi. Standing behind her Sebastian lowered his head to her neck, placing his lips by her ear. “Naomi I don't know how much longer I can hold back, from slamming you against the wall and making you completely and only mine.”

A smirk formed on his face when he felt her body shiver, “Sir you can't right now. You have a meeting in 20 minutes.”

He growled. “How is it that whenever I want you completely, something gets in the way?”

Naomi smiled, “I don't know sir.” She turned to walk away from him, when her back was to him.

He slapped her ass. “Don't worry that will be mine very soon.” Sebastian headed off to him meeting and Naomi took a minute to herself. Naomi gave herself a minute to calm down, she then got back to work.

~After the meeting~

Sebastian walked into his office completely annoyed, agitated, and amazed. The people that work from him could not even pick their nose without instructions and even then he was more then sure that they would mess it up. He didn't know what to do almost everything was messed up at the moment.

When the door to her office was slammed Naomi knew Sebastian was not a happy camper. Stepping out from the bathroom, Naomi saw his tall frame hunched over his desk. She went back into the bathroom and wet a towel with hot water, then rang it out so it there was no water in it. She walked up behind him, and tugged at his suit jacket. “Take it and your shirt off.” When he took it off Naomi was frozen, admiring his back and his tattoos. Her eyes trailed down to his muscular arms and looked in amazement, she didn't think he would have tattoos and sure as hell didn't notice them before.

Shaking her head, Naomi put the hot towel on his neck, and began to rub his shoulders, his deep chuckle rang throughout the air in the office. “Why do you do this type of stuff for me?”

Naomi took a minute to think about it, he eyes looked up and they meet his. Even in the mirror his reflection was breathtaking and so was hers. “I care about you.”

Sebastian was about ready to open his mouth, when the office phone rang. Sitting up he answer the phone, “Sebastian Pierce. Yes.” Sebastian listened and for a minute he didn't say anything. He turned back to Naomi, phone in hand. “It's for you.”

Naomi reached her hand out and took the phone, putting it to her ear. “Hello?”

“Naomi, it's your mother.”

Naomi was shocked to say the least, she never thought that she would be getting a call from her mother. It's been a while since she has talked to her. “Oh, hi. What's up.”

Naomi didn't know what to say to her, yes she talked to her but not recently. She had thought her mother went back into the hole of a mind of hers. “Well, I’m out of Jail. Me and your sister are out. We wanted a family meal, and maybe I can meet that man of yours that answered the phone.”

Naomi eyes went to Sebastian, his eyes were trained on her watching her every move. “Your out, that's good. I can come to the family dinner, but I don't know about him. He's a busy man.” Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her. As if saying, 'I am?'

Naomi heard a sigh, “You're ashamed of us?”

Naomi said nothing at first, “No, he really is just a busy man.” Naomi knew her mother didn't believe her, heck she might have even thought Sebastian didn't believe her. “Let me know when and I'll see if he is free.” She turned to him and he smiled. Did he want to meet my family?She asked herself.

She didn't hear anything for a while then her fathers voice came onto the phone, “Thursday at 8, my house. You do remember where that is right?”

She rolled her eyes, “Yes I do remember.” Naomi hung up the phone and turn to Sebastian. “Want to meet my family Thursday?”

He stood and smile, “I would love to.”

Naomi smiled back but she didn't know what to expected at this 'get together'. Naomi sat at her desk and stared.

While Sebastian watched the battle inside her head take place from a far.


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