You and I (Styles Triplets)

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I know you're probably furious with me. I'm so sorry. I know im a coward. But I just want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have done it a very long time ago. You kept me going. I don't want you to be upset, be happy. I was miserable here on earth, with being bullied every single day of my life. You were the only joy in my life.
I wish I could write more, but my vision is starting to blur. I know you don't want to know that Alex, but I'm scared shitless.
I know I'm close to dying. I don't want you to worry about me. I don't feel pain.
Alex I think this is it. It really is. I'm not going to be able to write much longer. I hope you don't mind, I'm just and going to keep talking to you. It makes me feel like you're actually here with me. And now I'm rambling, I know but I'm not really sure what to say anymore. One last thing, DONT BLAME YOURSELF FOR ANY REASON. Just know that I love you and I....

Why did it have to stop right in mid sentence?
I was currently curled up in bed reading Marcel's letter, looking at old photographs, and just remembering my friend. I truly missed Marcel, but today I seemed to miss him a bit more than usual.
I hadn't really done much today, just have been lying in bed all day thinking about Marce.

It's been five years since Marcel died, five years since I've moved, five years since I've seen Anne, Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and even Edward. Mom and dad come to visit from time to time, but it's not often. It honestly pained me too much to speak with everyone, so I just kind of cut off all contact.

After the funeral, Liam had helped me get home and pack, then we moved...together. Apparently he had convinced my parents to let me stay with him. He told them it would be the best for me, and honestly it has been. When I'm back home I feel so stressed and feel pressure, but here I'm carefree.
Although, I do find myself thinking of those Styles Triplets quite often. They've been such great company and great companions of mine. It's hard to forget them.

"Alex?!" I heard Liam call.

He's home early...
"In here!" I called back, putting away my valuables.
Liam never really liked when I talked about Marcel. He didn't think it was healthy for me.

As soon as Liam came into the room, he dropped his bags, slipped off his shoes, and jumped in bed with me.
"How was your day, love?"

"Good." I answered, bringing myself into him.

Liam works for his own company now. He's cleaned himself up. He no longer runs from the law, sells drugs, or even used credit cards. He's finally living.

"Did you do anything today? all?" He chuckled, taking in my appearance.

"No, why do you ask?" I laughed, "Am I really that ugly?"

"No reason, you just are always cleaning the house on Monday when I get home." He answered, "Is everything okay?"

No, not really. I miss my friends. I miss Marcel.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine! I'm just tired." I lied.

Liam smirked towards me, grabbing my hips, "I bet you are, you were screaming my name all night long."

"Liam!!" I gasped, hitting his shoulder.

"Just stating facts, babe!" Liam laughed, grabbing at my hips some more, "Wanna do it again?"
Liam then dipped his head down and sucked on my neck.

"Noooo, get off meeee." I whined, pushing him off.

"Ah, come on Alex! Let loose! I can make you feel real good." He smirked, then began kissing my neck up to my cheek.

A moan escaped from my lips, "Liam..stop."

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