Guard: Hello, young lady *interrupt*

Leni: I didn't do anything! Suare!

Guard:  Oh no, childI am just a security guard of the airport

Leni: Oh.

Guard: How can I help you?

Leni: I never been in the airport in my life, so... Can you tell me where is this place where people look for their bags?

Guard: Eeeeeh... Very strate behind you.

When I look behind me, I saw that bag giver...

Leni: Thank you sir!

I run to look for my bag.  I saw my mint, green bag in that moving thing!  I pick it up and... then what?

???:  Hey, Leni!!! Over here, mate!!

I look everywhere, trying to follow my cousin's voice...

Leni: Luna?!  Where are you?!

There was too many people around me...

???: We are over here couzhin!!

Leni: Lisa?!  Where?!

When I look at the exit, I saw my two cousins: Lisa and Luna Wilson.  Luna was holding Lisa above her shoulder, meanwhile Lisa hold a cardboard that says "Welcome, BonBon"... That is me!  I run towards them and hug both of them...

Lisa: it wazh like a year that we haven't zheen you zhinzhe our last visit.

Luna: Yeah, cous!

Leni: Oo, I missed you two so much!

We all had a group hug...


I arrive to their home, where I will sleep with my little cousin, Lisa.  The next day...

Luna: Hey, LenDo you wanna go to my friend's house?

Leni:  SureI love meeting new people, not like the guy that was not friendly to me in that flying truck... *grumpy*

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