United Souls. Neos vs. the god of dragons.

Start from the beginning

"Quit quibbling and run!" Jaden then yelled "That guy is serious. Alexis, Chazz take care of Atticus". Those two looked puzzled at Jaden, but in the end they nodded and grabbed the weak Atticus. They began leaving.

"I will not allow that!" Honest then sneered "I must avenge my master's death".

He flapped his wings and feathers were flying straight towards Atticus and the others. If they hit, serious injuries would surely occur. Tara groaned weakly. She knew Jaden couldn't do much with her piggybacked at his back. Tara groaned again and concentrated slowly. she closed her eyes, and for her inner eyes she saw a shield. A black shield. She could hear the sound of the hard feathers hit the shield now.

"A shield? In the middle of nowhere" Hassleberry then uttered surprised. "Where did that..". Jaden pushed them forward.

"Does it really matter?" he then sneered "Everyone go!". The others nodded and rushed out of the room. Tara could feel her brother's hand on her back now.

"Tara, are you awake?" Jaden then said inside her head "It is your doing right?".

"Yes" She whispered back "But I can't.. keep it up for long. A part of me is sort of awake, but please take me outside Jaden".

"Yeah, I got it. You will soon get the fresh air you deserve" her brother then reassured. "Just wait some seconds okay". Tara would have replied, but just in that minute the shield she had summoned broke in million pieces. She had not much power left. She groaned weakly.

"Then I will dispose of you two first" Honest then sneered "You annoying Yuki twins". He flapped his wings once again and feathers were flying toward them. A sound of something got fired could be heard, and cards now blocked the twins vision. They noticed Axel was standing at the sideline now. He was the one saving them.

"Let's get out of here" Axel then said and Jaden nodded. Soon they rushed through the corridors and out towards freedom. At least in Tara's case.

Normal P.o.v.

Somewhere in that dark ocean scenery was Trueman standing and was watching the events occurring on earth. He smirked evilly.

"This is interesting" he then proclaimed. Another Trueman appeared beside him now.

"What shall we do now?" he asked the other one. A third Trueman appeared.

"Should we get rid of them once and for all?" he then asked the others. "With the king's vessel out of the way, we can easily dispose of them".

"Just wait. Let's see what will happen" a fourth one then said.

"Indeed. If he get's rid of the Yuki twins now, that would be very convenient" a fifth one added. They continued to watch to see what happened next.

Atticus's p.o.v.

Atticus growled weakly in the grip of his sister and Chazz. The battle with Tara, alias the supreme king, had taken a lot out of him. Added that Nightshroud had tried possessing him again. Now they were running away from a duel spirit who saw him as the one killing his 'Master'. He surely blamed him. Atticus sighed deeply. Just because he couldn't stop Yusuke at that time, didn't mean that he killed him. They all just managed out. All beside the twins of course.

"Is everyone alright?" Chazz then questioned and looked behind him.

"The sarge and my dino queen is still in there" Hassleberry then said worriedly. He had just said that, when the whole dorm began rumbling. A loud blowing sound could be heard, and the dorm began crumbling down to rumbles.

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