Hephaistos and Vishwakarma

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Hephaistos and Vishwakarma


Both Hephaistos and Vishwakarma are the worker Gods, who design and make weapons for the Gods and manufacture tools.

Dwarfs were the builders and makers of weapons for the Norse Gods.


Hephaistos is said to have a central workshop or factory, whereas there is no such concept for Vishwakarma (It will be hard to agree that Vishwakarma does not have factory or central workshop). Further, the mascot of Vishwakarma is elephant, but Hephaistos has no such mascot to carry him. Vishwakarma is God of tools and factories. Even to this day, during Vishwakarma Puja, people pray at factories and in their workshop; so, this would rather be counted as a similarity rather than a difference.

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