Chapter 1

98 7 16

Song: Yubi Bouenkyou (Nightcore)
Chapter 1 ~ A Mysterious Traveller

(Note: This part is based off what happened in the Manga for the most part, yet is a mix, and a warning for the rest of the story: There may be some swearing)

Soo boring. Fate had decided to go with Alibaba as he worked, but... How bland could this journey get? It was scorching hot, and the bald rich man at the back was devouring a batch of red apples. Fate was hungry, and stared at him enviously.

Apparently another person on the ride was hungry too. "Mind if I have one...?" he asked, reaching out.

Bald Rich Guy smacked his hand back. "Like hell you can!"

Alibaba sighed irritably. "Can you pay for it?"

"Pay? No." The traveller had a long blue messy braid, matching eyes, and a golden flute. He looks about my age... Yes, he's probably around 15.

"Well then! That means you can't have a goddamn apple."

The heat is really getting to him, Faye though. Not that he didn't become an idiot ever since we left the castle.

He sighed again, taking a softer tone. "You see, money makes the world go round! You have it, you have everything! You have apples, you have nice clothes, you have a nice house, you have beautiful ladies-"

The blue-haired guy's eyes shone. "Beautiful ladies?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Alibaba, passionately. "When you're rich, they all come queuing up for you! You can have as many ladies as you want, when you're rich - sweet ladies, cute ladies, short ladies, tall ladies..."

"...big busted ladies.." the traveller drooled.

Alibaba smacked his fist down angrily. "But you can't have any of them if you're not rich!"

"So that's why you want to be wealthy?" Fate sighed from beside him. "I always knew you had an inner pervert." She put her hands on her hips and stuck her nose in the air. "Anyway, what are you all whining about? You have a beautiful lady right here! Hahaha...!" she began to laugh cockily.

Alibaba teased her. "You are so not beautiful."

Fate stopped laughing. "...ahaha-! Huh? Hey! If you looked up the word 'beautiful' in a dictionary-"

"-it would have written 'Fate Imogen' as an antonym."

Fate crossed her arms and pouted, facing the opposite direction. "You just can't recognise true beauty-" she mumbled.

"He's wrong, miss!" The traveller held Fate's hand in his own. "You truly have real beauty," he said, making groping gestured with his hands.

Fate paused and stared at them. "Hey... I can't disagree, but I have to say you're giving me the impression that you're a pervert as much as Alibaba is.."

Alibaba hit Aladdin on the forehead. "Hey! You can't just go up to a girl and do that!" He turned to see Bald Rich guy fuming. What's his problem? thought Alibaba.

The man shouted, rudely. "Excuse me! I didn't pay you to talk!"

Oh right, that makes sense. [Author: And I mean it makes CENTS am I right, or am I right? Okay I'll stop.]

Alibaba gave what had to be the most simpering smile in history. "Oh, I'm so sorry, good sir. I'll just get back to work shall I?"

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