Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ~ Aladdin a crisis
(^Pun intended)



So sorry for not updating! I'll try update every two weeks on around a Sunday, though, knowing me, a lot of chapters will get delayed. Sadly, I'm going to split this into two chapters, which I didn't really want, but I don't want to post so late. I get pleased pretty easily, and, writing this at 55 reads, I already feel as happy as.. Let's see... As happy as Judal in bed with Sinbad!
Judal: Hey, what's tha-
ANYWAY~ I hope you enjoy this story, even though it's probably pretty bad.
Kouha: Even if it is, I'm sure Reader-chan will like it, after all, Reader-chan seems real nice-
Ja'far: -tch, soppy little bastard...
Sinbad: *smirks*
Aladdin: *whispers* if you think Sinbad is smirking, he isn't. It's just his normal, and somehow intimidating, facial expression.
Sphintus: Its true though! One minute you're badass and next minute you're some disgustingly soppy... you know!
Alibaba: ... You seem pretty jealous to me.
Better than ugly jealous.
Sphintus: You're the one that's always-
SO! Let's get on with the story, shall we? PS: I appreciate comments!

Freaking... out...

"Fate, you seem like you're freaking out."

"No I'm not!" Fate cried indignantly, widening her eyes at Alibaba. She grimaced, taking deep breaths. One, two, three... It'll be alright. "Just watch me," she said breathlessly.

Preparing to leap into action, Fate materialized her wand from thin air. However, before being able to act, she heard a determined yell.


The blue, headless giant appeared before Aladdin. Both the Djinn and the traveller had persistent looks on their faces - they weren't going to be swept out this early. Ugo pretty much destroyed those little... whatever you call a green, disgusting looking bug with purple saliva. They couldn't stand a chance - could they?

"Alright!" Alibaba cheered. "Aladdin, you're amazing!"

Aladdin turned around and laughed. "Thank Ugo! He's the one that-"

"Wait." Fate looked worried. "You can't celebrate too early. Is it just me or..." she pointed to the goo that has become of the pulverised creatures. "don't you think that getting past them isn't gonna be that easy?"

The green goo, motionless just a few moments ago, was not starting to move. It swirled around, gathering closer together. Until... a larger, more intimidating creature had formed before them. "It looks like they'll just reform over and over again... Something tells me using mere force isn't going to work too well. Hm..."

Fate started as she felt the blue-haired traveller snake his hand round her waist.

"Don't worry. Me and Ugo have it covered."

Alibaba was scowling. He hit Aladdin on the head. "Is this the time? We need to do something already!"

Fate was back to looking worried. She didn't notice the presence that was next to her slip away. "But how... Alibaba do you know- ah!" She gasped as a brief wave of heat went past her. It didn't make contact with her, but was hot enough to let her and Alibaba sense the warmth as it went.

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