Chapter Three

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Ellen let out a content sigh as she slid through the door and back into her bedroom. Her pants were tight around her waist, the edges threatening to leave imprints on her skin if she didn't take them off in good time. Her mother was an amazing cook, this time whipping up the family favourite – beef stroganoff – and Ellen did not hesitate to tuck in. Family dinners were never large affairs but they did spark good conversations, this time revolving on the existence of life outside beyond Earth. Reaching the end of her philosophical wits, she helped clear the table and then made her way upstairs to her bedroom. The events from yesterday had fallen at the wayside and there, she hoped, it would stay. Uncomfortable, she wriggled out of the now too-tight pants and into her elasticized pyjamas.

Energised from the food and on a high from the euphoria of a productive day, she slipped into her chair behind the desk and pulled her laptop towards herself. There was enough time left in the evening to establish a solid heading on her English assignment although she knew that this wasn't due for a while.

Four weeks, to be exact.

She had also read Romeo and Juliet several times meaning that the she knew the ins-and-outs of it quite intimately and wouldn't need to spend time revising the playbook. This was all the better.

Grabbing a pen and a notepad from the top draw of her desk, she set about outlining an essay structure from the main words of the essay question. She took a moment to pause and glance up at the trinket that she had stepped on. This was now placed next to her desk lamp in the furthest-left corner of her desk, and the light gave it a twinkling glow.

Seeing it brought back a flood of memories from the previous evening; the dream that had actually turned out to be real. Or at least, planted into her mind through powers that she couldn't explain.

Was that possible? she thought. Was that within the range of the so-called skillset the silver-haired man spoke about?

Ellen drifted into a deep thought, the end of her pen automatically flying to her mouth so that it was now lodged between her teeth. It was a nasty habit. Her dentist told her so. But her visitor had left so many questions unanswered that she considered it to be acceptable just for this time.

Instinctively, she drew the laptop even closer to herself to the point that she was now hunched over the keyboard with a crooked back. Her mind was back in hyper drive. There was no attention spared to the assignment that was now pushed away and lay discarded on the side. Her hand was on her mouse, darting this way and that. With a few quick strokes of the wrist, she had a new browser tab open. She sat about identifying prime key words. Her fingers skimmed across the keyboard, hitting keys as they went.


Ellen clicked the magnifying button on the right of the page. It turned white before presenting her with thousands of results. She skimmed over these as most were fan-sites of a popular supernatural television show which was a hot topic amongst her friends. Uninterested, she pondered for a brief minute before refining her search terms.

Supernatural AND humans.

Another pause as the web trawled through millions of sites and did the searching for her. It returned fewer results which she was thankful for, and the pages - at a glimpse - seemed much more in tune to what she was after. She clicked on the first link but was quick to discover that this described a higher deity – God – as being supernatural and the creator of all. Frustration began to rise inside her. This wasn't what she was searching for.

She bit her tongue, quickly jotting down the used search terms onto the paper in scrawled writing. Slipping the pen between her lips, trying yet another combination of keywords.

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