CH.3 Therapy

58 4 2

"in the moment of my failure

will someone hold my hand?"

"내가 추락하는 그 순간"-RM (Awakening)

The day after treatment is therapy. Thats how it always went for everyone. Its to check to make sure they are still functioning at some degree. 

I woke up and washed my face. I looked in the mirror to see the same man I despise most. I exhaled and walked away putting my hat on. 

I got to room 203 and to no surprise he was ready to go, waiting for me to take him. Like a child who has waited on there moms return for years. 

"Lets go"

I order grabbing the straight jackets arms so he couldn't run. I walked him down all the empty hallways and past the closed rooms. It was early so not many people would be awake. 

I knocked on the wooden door to the therapist

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I knocked on the wooden door to the therapist. 

"Come in"

We walked inside and I sat 203 down on the chair while cuffing his two arms to the chair. I bowed and stepped back. I stayed for when he was finish and to watch. 

"Welcome 203,how was yesterdays treatment?" The guy asked him as if it was a good thing.

"..Normal. Tickled of course. Oh and I may have even felt happy at some point." He said back very sarcastically.

" well thats something. Thats good your still able to have an emotion and feelings towards such treatments." He stated while getting papers out the desk.

"Let me tell you something. Im suppose to tell you all my feelings and thoughts, just so you can drug me up more then I am. Thanks. But dont worry I have no more problems." 203 said while relaxing in the seat.

"Oh you dont? why is that? what changed?"

" I realized who I am. I know a secret no one knows." 203 scooted closer to the desk that was separating the two. He then motioned the therapist to come closer. He whispered the so called secret to him. He didnt speak loud enough for me to hear.

"Wow, that is some secret. You should hold onto that for a while. dont tell." He replied sternly. 

203 smiled and replied "If I do say something it would ruin the fun." He chuckled into his jacket. "slowly..slowly I will show him" He finished his words off.

"Well I think we should end our little secret talk hear while we can." The therapist wrote down something on the clipboard and called for a nurse to come in. 

Once she came in she took the clip board and nodded and then exited the room. I grabbed 203 and took him back to his room. 


2 CHAPTERS!!! YESSSS!!! Ok this fic is really short but exciting for me! Its a challenge to write this story but I love it! Also Im going to be making a trailer/Video for this fic because it would be amazing! Ok! let me know how it is! also the video wont be out for a little bit. it might take a couple days to make. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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