Considering that I left the house at 4:30 and walked quite a distance for me to actually reach the beach, I probably took more than an hour... so it'll take me almost the same amount of time to get back to the house. Will that give me enough time to get into my uniform and not be late to school again? Ahh... I'll be fine, let me just start walking.


Okay... am I just dumb or am I just REALLY dumb? I swear I have passed this peach colored building like about 4 times now... oh my god, I'm lost... I AM LOST?!?!

Wait wait wait wait...
Let me think...

Didn't I turn right here at this corner?

NO you idiot you took the same right just 5 minutes ago and look where it got you...

But that only leaves me going straight. But my inner gut feeling says that I most definitely need to go right... AGH!!! Why is life so complicated... It's because I kept on thinking about useless things and spacing out!

You know what? I shouldn't have left home in the first place! At least I wouldn't be lost, at least I wouldn't be starving, and at least I won't be arguing with myself like this!!!!!

I closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath.

I need to calm down.

Okay. I got this. I just need to find someone who can direct me on which path I need to take.
And if they're nice enough... maybe they'll let me eat something to calm the raging monster inside me, too.

I start looking around the area, when I realize that I've traveled far enough where I can't see the beach anymore. The sky isn't as dark as it was before either so that's pretty good. At least I can see exactly where i'm going now.

I eventually start looking around the area with hopes of finding at least someone to aid me. I keep walking and walking, eyes keeping alert for the most minimal of movement to indicate my future savior. I lost track of how long I had been walking cause the concrete path turned to a dirt road and soon after walking on said dirt road I came across what had to be the most biggest hill I've ever seen.

Seriously... It's huge.

I take another look at my surroundings. Nobody seems to be around, and I've already made it this far so I can't just turn back now.

Determined, I started my trek up the enormous hill and trust me that if it didn't get my legs toned then I don't know what will.

A few more struggles later and I was able to see the peak of the hill, phew! About time! I was breaking a sweat here.

I noticed something to the left of the hill.
There was a cliff.

But the thing that caught my eye were the sunflowers innocently covering every inch of grass on that cliff...

I finally reached the top of the hill and saw that it didn't immediately descend downwards after its peak. It still followed a road and later descended gradually. But none of that mattered to me at that very moment, because before my very eyes was my savior...

My hero...

My knight in shining armor.


She was shorter than me and probably my age? I couldn't really tell because her back was faced towards me. But from what I could tell she was wearing a school uniform. She had long brownish red hair and had a nice figure if I do say so myself.

Whaaat? I'm a guy too ya know.

I think she hasn't noticed me behind her practically staring like some kind of creep.

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