Chapter 9

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Zeke POV 

We have been here for hours and know one has even come to tell us what happened the news is on in the corner we keep glancing to see if it will show what happened but we have no luck yet. Everyone is out getting food but Uri, Four and me. We see mom and dad walk over so we get up and hug them, they sit down by us and Uri hugs mom because Bea is like his twin almost. "Hey look I think this is what happened" Dad says pointing at the screen, Young Girl rushed to the hospital after an 18 wheeler crashed into the driver side of her car. That's all it says about what happened but its more than what we did know. The gang comes in bringing us food and sit back down and we wait some more everyone is almost passed out so mom gets up and says "Okay everyone go home we will call if something happens, boys y'all too." "No, you and dad go home we can stay here please we can swap out every night till we get to see her then Im not leaving her side" Uri says Four nods agreeing and so do I. "Okay but call for anything I don't care what time will not be asleep." She says kissing our heads and leaving with the rest as they say silent goodbyes. We just sit there eventually Uri falls asleep but will probable wake up soon. 

"This is all my fault" Four says looking at his shoes 

"No we cant blame anyone stuff like this just happens" I tell him "Also you do know this is the first time since sixth grade that you actually have showed your emotions she knew you had it in you and she would be so proud." 

He just nods and silently cry's and I do the same finally after a few more hours of waiting we are all just staring at each other still waiting, a doctor comes over "Beatrice Pedrad" "Tris" we say knowing she would be mad if they called her that he just nods "Okay well she her left rib cage is broken and so are the ribs which caused her lungs on that side to collapse she has a broken right leg, she cannot breath on her own and is in a coma." "Shes what why didn't yall do anything" Uri yells at him "Sorry we did the best we could but she could still wake up" "can we see her?" Four asks for the first time he looks up and all down his face are tear streaks "Yes she is in room 64 in the ICU, but only one at a time." We nod and decide I should go first, then Uri, then Four. 

When I get in her room I look and see tubs and wires attached to her and a cast on her leg and bandages wrapped around her chest to waist. I go and grab her hand

"Bea please come back to us I miss you and so do the rest its been boring without you so none of us can live without you. I Love You sis and when I first saw you I knew that I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to you Im sorry. On the plus side Four is showing emotion again you would be proud I wish it was on better circumstances though. Love you!" I say and walk out because I can't look at her like that anymore. When I get out Uri gets up and heads in there so I go call mom, dad and the rest. 

Uri POV 

I go to her room and see all this stuff on Tris and wrapped around her. I grab her hand in mine and decide to talk to her but it sound like a dying cow because ive been crying so much. 

"Bea, my partner in crime, sister twin from another mother and father, i need you back and so does Four even though I wish i could just push him in front of a bus I know you will want to see him so I won't. I Love You and wish I could stay longer but he needs to see you too. Please Wake up Love you" I say as i leave crying when i get in the waiting room Zeke tells me everyone is on their way and Four bolts to Tris room. 

Fours POV 

When I get there I hesitantly walk into the room and all I can think when I see her is even with all of this stuff attached to her she still is Beautiful. I grab her hand in mine and immediately feel her colder than usual. 

"Hey Bumble Bea, I need you to come back into my life please I will do whatever you want i cant live without you. I will tell you why I stopped showing emotion please." All i do is beg for her to come back "I Love You!!! Forever and Always" I say with my voice cracking, I start hearing beeps from the heart monitor doctors rush in pushing me out when i get back to the waiting room I collapse into Max's arms sobbing not caring who sees, hes like the dad i never had anyways. 

A/N I hope you enjoyed!!! Please go read my other story and I will update asap!! Jesus Loves You!!!

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