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Caleb's P.O.V


I finally get out of my car after parking it at Brian's dorm room. Brian has no clue that I'm here. What's even better is that I have the most amazing news for him too! He got accepted into OU....what's even better...I got accepted into OU too! Keeping my grades up, excelling at the SAT, and having my behavior be nearly exceptional is what makes the perfect resume for this school. And I knew that with every ounce in my body that I would go to that college, no matter what it took! I knew this was Brian's dream college. What's funny was that he thought OSU was mine. But what he doesn't know is that OU has an exceptional music program! So either way I was going there! And the best part...I made some arrangements....HE IS ALSO MY ROOMMATE! So I grab the flowers and teddy bear and put on the ski mask, knocking the door. Brian opens it and his first reaction was to scream. Then he looked at my eyes and stopped. My face was completely covered, but his still knew it was me. He still looked uncertain, as if he was doubting himself. Then I pulled off my mask and his eyes went wide. Then I grabbed him, kissing him wildly.

"Oh my God CALEB!!!! AHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M SEEING YOU! You should stay to meet my new roommate! The front office wouldn't tell me who it was! Said it was policy. Have I ever told you that I love you?" I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my neck, his joy unable to be contained. He sighed happily as he took the flowers and teddy bear, a heart stitched on the back with C+B furever...his eyes widened as he saw the acceptance letter in my hands. He nearly screamed.

"YOU GOT IN?! OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME YOUR ROOM! Like.....NOW!!!" I smirked with so much pride on my face.

"Okay! well...the kitchen is to your right and the bathroom I believe is down the hall. And in front of me is my roommate Brian." His eyes widened in excitement and he jumped on top of me and screamed, too happy to think. he gazed into my eyes, then he interlocked his lips with mine. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. He seemed a little bummed out we had to stop.

"I need to get my stuff, want to help?" Brian looked at me and nodded, a hint of a smile creeping on my face. We get to my car and pop open the trunk. I grab Rhino(His days are limited now....but that won't stop me from loving him!), two of my four suitcases, and my trusty penguin hat, which is my entire life! Brian grabs my other two suitcases and we make it to the dorm. I put all of my stuff in the other room. Brian comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist and puts his tiny head besides my neck, breathing softly into my ear.

"I have a king size bed you know, this could be the guest room. Did your mother not teach you that sharing is caring?" He growled against my neck, vibrating every bone in my body. I craved his touch, but I had to tour my classes in an hour. I have not the time.

"Hell yeah I'll move in your room. But sexy time has to wait till later. I have classes to tour in an hour. But I LOVE YOU! MUAH!" I give him a big kiss on the cheek and go in the kitchen, making lunch so when I leave he isn't as sad. I sorta can cook, but I'm not the new Gordon Ramsey...That's okay though. I wouldn't have time to be a salty asshole who wouldn't know of someone's talent if it grew in his ass and called himself Pedro. I make some instant Mac N' Cheese and gave Brian a bowl. I took a bite and that shit needed salt. I grabbed some and gave the shaker to Brian. He pretended it was good but I knew he was lying. I finish my bowl and rinse it in the sink, seeing Brian get up and do the same. I then check my phone. 12:50 P.M. Shit I have ten minutes. I grab my backpack and schedule, give Brian a parting kiss, and head out the door and drive to campus.

I check my schedule. First I have How to be a Teacher 101 with Professor Bean. Then finally I have Music Studies with Professor Stix. Both classes are two and a half hours long and I have the first class with Brian! He did his tour yesterday. Lucky Bastard...This place is a shitstorm since classes start tomorrow. I go to the library and buy the books I need. Thank God my parents had a college fund because this shit is EXPENSIVE! After all that's over with I drive back to the dorm and see Brian. Sleeping like a baby. I check my phone. Damn it's already 6:45. I carry him bridal style to his room and lay him on his bed, he stirs before falling back asleep. I get dressed in my pajamas and lay next to him, holding him close to me. This is the first time in 2 months I've gotten to hold him this close to me, and I don't mind it at all. I fall asleep with him in my arms.

 A Kiss From You, And I Knew We Belonged Together Where stories live. Discover now