Chapter 1-Hell on Earth

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Caleb's P.O.V

I wake up to the irritating sound of my alarm, awaking me from my slumber. I get on my phone and there's Amethyst, spamming me at 6am....when does that girl sleep! Basically she was way too excited about us going to school together to the first time. I replied with a rainbow. We've established by now it means, fuck off I'm busy, or, RAINBOW FIGHT!!! It almost always means the latter. And today is no exception! I got outta bed, ransacked my closet because it's THE FIRST FUCKING DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL!!! I finally picked out a hot pink top that screamed I was gay(I don't want girls hitting on me😉) And some black jeans. Even though it's been over a month, I still can't get that kiss off my mind. I knew then he was THE ONE. I don't know how to face him about it, so I guess I won't. I hitched a ride from my mom and met up with Connor, Jasmine Crase, Angel, Jasmine Clark, Jace, and all my other groupies at the breakfast table.
"Where's Amethyst?" I question Jasmine, her best friend since like, ever
"Probably doing her crazy-ass winged eyeliner. I swear that girl needs an intervention!"
"Hey Jace, do you know where Brian is?"
"Since when did Brian Higbee eat breakfast?" Jace exclaimed and I started laughing. Then outta the corner of my eye, I see Amethyst finally walking in, TALKING TO BRIAN!!! WHAT IS THAT CRAZY HOE UP TO NOW!
"Ummm.....guys, what the fuck..." I said as everyone looked at the scene. Amethyst and Jace were the only people who knew about the kiss, and it can't spread. Amethyst made her way over with Brian in tow. Holy shit he got hotter this past month. His hair stood up on end, making him look like an adorable troll doll with short ass hair. And his shirt, the one I gave him for his 14th birthday. It was nyan cat with a marshmallow riding him. And those neon green leggings....they fucking tighten around his small, but cute, ass and I LOVE IT!
"U-umm, h-h-hi Brian," I eventually was able to sputter out, as my heart was beating harder than your uncle on a Friday night.
"H-hi Caleb," his eyes were wondering and looking around and I knew why. He wasn't willing to talk to me.

Brian's P.O.V

I scampered out of the car as my mom was trying to fix my hair.

"Honey come on, it's your first day."
"I kinda don't want to be late on my first day. Bye!" I soon as I leave the car I see this strange girl. She has blue eyes, crazy ass winged eyeliner, and enough silver eyeshadow and highlight to blind a room. She approaches me.
"Are you Brian?" She had a look of determination on her face. Why would she involve me?
"Y-yes," She has this ability to be terrifying, yet soothing. I can already tell she's a fucking weirdo by her style. Her hair was wild, yet tame. And her clothes....well let's just say she's "unique"
"Hi! I'm Amethyst. I'm a best friend of Caleb's! I know what happened between you and Caleb. And I already ship it but besides the point, and this will stay between us, I have a really good gaydar. That being said, your hair and Neon Green leggings give you away. So I have to ask you this. Do you like Caleb?" I was kinda shocked by this. Yet I had this weird feeling I could trust her.
"I'll tell you, but you can't tell ANYBODY! Especially not Caleb. I do like him. I've liked him ever since I laid eyes on him in the 7th grade. I felt the same as I feel when I see a cute girl, or Selena Gomez. But the night he....well you know, I freaked out because I don't want to be Bi.....But when he did that, it felt so right. Like he was the one. I just know he is. I don't think I could do it though. People judge. And even though it's 2017, I don't think everyone I know, especially my Catholic family, will accept me with open arms. I hear their remarks, their snide words about the gays and about how being gay, or anything involving the LGBT community, being an abomination. I don't want to be disowned and kicked out at the age of 14." As all of this word vomit was escaping my mouth, I started crying and couldn't stop. Amethyst was nice and very comforting, but she obviously knows her boundaries because she didn't touch me.
"It's okay Brian, I have a plan. We don't need to tell your parents. First, we get Caleb to be your friend again and trust me, that'll take 3.4 seconds. Second, you let him know how you feel. And this is where I come in. Third, you ask Caleb out because he thinks your straight and he isn't going to. Trust me, He'll say yes. Fourth, you tell your parents that you have a girlfriend. I will be that girlfriend. Fifth, any dates you two go on, I need to know about just in case your parents ask me about it. I don't need details, just give it to me vague. With this master plan, you're guaranteed Caleb, while also having your parents thinking that your straight. We should wait until you move out to tell them. You in?" I swear Amethyst is crazy, but I love it! Her look of determination was scarier than Caleb when he plays the sax.
"Fuck yea!" I am so positive this'll work out.

Will Amethyst's master plan work? How far does Crian get? Found out chapter 2!!! XOXO

A/N: My posting schedule may vary, but for the most part I will post every other day! And be sure to vote and comment on my chapters!!

 A Kiss From You, And I Knew We Belonged Together जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें