Chapter 9-Goodbye

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Caleb's P.O.V
I heard a door slam and I sprout up like a bean. Brian did the same.

"Honey I'm home!" I quickly get up and hide under the bed, dragging my clothes and cellphone under with me. As soon as everything's under, I hear a door open.

"Brian why are you still awake? You didn't even touch your food!"

"I'm sorry mom, I fell asleep and woke up when you got home."

"Well I'm going to bed, your father's already there. Goodnight. Love you!"

"Love you too mom, goodnight." As his mom shuts the door I slide out from underneath, grabbing my belongings. I check my phone. 12:09. Ffuuuccckkk. I have school in 7 hours.

"Brian I have to go, but where would I leave?" His bright and joyful eyes all of a sudden became gloomy and dreadful, as if all of today's events came crashing down on him at once.

"T-the backdoor....and Caleb,"


"Please don't break up with me....and visit.....a LOT!" Brian's eyes were glossed over....I knew he wouldn't stop crying when I leave, and honestly....I don't think I will either.

"I love you....I always will...and y-yes, I'll visit. And I don't think I could ever break up with you..." I say as I walk out the door, probably the most ugly face as I cry.

"I love you too....I don't think I ever couldn't....please don't leave," I paused at the door, and look at Brian. Even though this sounds awful, he's so cute when he cries. I couldn't help myself. Quietly I shut the door and run to him, holding him close to me, and staying like that for a while. I plant the slowest kiss, then pull away. He hugs me, and doesn't let go. Physically he can't, I can tell that. Eventually he wills himself to and he does, slowly but surely. And I leave quietly through the house. The backdoor was wide open...weird. I leave and run to my house, hoping to avoid any cops catching me past curfew. I made it to my house. I was told I would be home alone for the whole day to pack and get situated....but I'll just have to wake up early and pack. I set my alarm for 5am and tried so hard to sleep, but my thoughts were jumbled and going every which could I leave Brian? He's all I've ever wanted, but now I'm leaving him....why does the universe hate me? My mother's dead, who I loved dearly, and I can't bear that she's gone. Now I'm being separated by my only brother because that's not his father....he lives with our grandma now. God why can't I stop crying?! I need to get over myself! I finally fall asleep, at God knows what time. I woke up to my alarm and groaned, shutting it off and sluggishly moving my body from the bed....onto the floor. I took out my biggest suitcase and shoved all my clothes in it, weeping quietly as I do. I finished packing all my stuff, which was just clothes and the few pictures I had of my family. I found a framed picture of me and all of my friends on the first day. That's when it really hit me. I put it in the suitcase gingerly and I couldn't. I curled up into the tiniest ball on the bed and cried. I cried and cried and I did to the point there were no more tears. I knew I would make more friends, but they couldn't replace my original ones. I grabbed Rhino out of his cage and held least he would come with me. I head out of my house to school, my life crashing before my eyes.

Brian's P.O.V
My alarm goes off and my body jolts up, not wanting this day to begin. I turn it off and rub my eyes, remembering all the events that occurred last night....Then wishing I could just cry....forgetting all of my worries and getting back the one I truly love, but I knew that would be impossible. I just have to deal with what's heading my way. But there's no more tears......I can't cry because I don't have any more tears to give away. I get off my bed and put clothes on, not caring what I look like. I then go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and comb my fingers through my adorably blonde troll hair(as Caleb would call it). I look at myself wondering, 'why did this have to happen to me.....why now why when life couldn't be better. Now it just feels like life......couldn't be worse'. I walk out of my room to see my mother cooking breakfast. But I couldn't care enough to even want any. I say goodbye to my mother and walk out the door, hoping she doesn't ask questions later. As I'm walking to school tears just fall out of my eyes before I even realize they were. And to think that I was just thinking that I have no more tears to cry out.....but I guess that was just temporary. I make it to the school and check my phone. 7:20. Fuck I didn't think that I'd be early but then again I usually eat breakfast. I hurriedly wipe the tears from my face and go inside the cafeteria. I don't get food, I just go to the table where are all my friends were and they were all crying...then I realized Caleb was there too, crying with them. I guess I don't have to wipe away my tears just yet. My friends were there except for a few missing people but they will be there soon, crying with us......Honestly life couldn't be worse. I walk over to the table joining them. I think he already told them because they didn't question it. Even through the tears a hint of a smile appeared on Caleb's face. It was soothing to see him there, even if it would be one of the last times. I don't even care if anyone is looking. My hands grab his face so gentle yet so fast and I kiss him, making the people around us gasp in awe. He kissed me back and I think, 'there is nobody in this world I could love more than him....I don't think that could ever be possible.' I look at his glittery brown eyes, stricken with grief, for what hopefully isn't the last time and I smile through my tears. Everyone is staring at us with tears streaming down their faces and I could tell they were smiling too. Even if it they were sad smiles, they were still smiles...and that meant the entire world to me. Caleb's entire world fell into pieces in one day and he tried to compose himself to say some words.

"I-I l-l-love you I don't want to leave.....I want to stay with you. I don't want you to be s-sad when I go. So even when I l-leave please don't cry...cry now so you don't cry later," He was trying so hard not to stutter but the crying kept him from trying to achieve that. He looked at me with an extremely sad smile and I lost it. I crawled into his chest wishing I could never leave him.

"Caleb I-I love you too. you are my w-world and honestly I think I could keep the tears down when you leave....just do me a favor. I want, no, I NEED a long hug before you leave. This is all I ask of you. And Caleb when you visit me which better be fucking soon! Just give me the best fucking time of my life! Okay?" Caleb smirked playfully and gazed into my eyes.

"O-Okay...I'm sure I could do that." I looked at him mischievously and he began laughing. then soon that laughter became sadness and he looked at me with his eyes glazed over and I don't think he could start crying. It was as if my happiness meant more to him than his own.

Caleb's P.O.V

I couldn't start crying. He had finally stopped and I didn't want him to start back up again! I heard the warning bell ring and I froze, realizing this would be the last breakfast I'd spend with Brian. So much can happen to you in such little time. God it wrecked my heart to deal with this. But I had to stay strong. For, for BRIAN! He was the only person at this point that I truly loved. I miss him already. I gave Brian one of our last parting hugs for a long time, and walked to English for the last time. At the end of the day I wait for Brian and he walks out of his class, defeated. We start walking to my house. Brian took his phone out and texted his mom, not even caring if she were to say he couldn't walk with me. We make it to my house, too sad to speak, fearing we'd lose it on the spot. I see my dad sitting outside, ready to greet me with open arms...but I wasn't ready to greet him. I love my dad, just not enough to leave my life behind. I hug him, wishing to just put my life on pause and keep my mother from dying that faithful day. But it wouldn't stop her from why bother? I have no say, so I'll go. But there's NO FUCKING WAY I'm not visiting 6 times a year....I'll fight him for that privilege. I release and look at Brian....his glossy eyes and his obvious struggle to keep from pouring out making me explode. I grab him and kiss him, not caring if my dad was looking or not. I love Brian way too much to care what my dad thinks. I pull away, only to hold him close to me. I was leaving....leaving my life behind in search of a new one.

"I-I love you Caleb, Skype me when you get there?" Brian's pleading eyes pierced through my eyes and made it's way to my heart.

"Of c-course...I l-love you too," I take in Brian's beauty for the last time for a while, and I let go, leaving my entire world standing there. The twinkle in his eyes fade away as the car leaves my driveway, leaving behind no trace, the tears of sadness falling from my face. My dad looks at me like he's in shock. And honestly I don't blame him. He did just witness his son kiss a guy. But he doesn't question it. We make it to the airport in OKC. And as we board our flight, the feeling of emptiness resides in my heart, keeping every emotion in the dark.

So this story is coming to an end BUT....yes I said but you immature 4 year olds! There will be one more chapter(it's the epilogue) AND I'm having more romance/smutish stories come out!! I'll probably have an update schedule and stuff. And yea! LOVE YOU GUYZZZZ!!!! XOXO

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