Chapter 13: A Great Secret Revealed

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"Mr. Brown and Mr. Bonner?"

"Where did you find them and where does this flower pot go?"

"On the shelf and, Hajari, they found me. Is something bothering you, sweetheart?" Tia asks as she strokes Hajari's face.

"Mom, they don't want to have partnership in your business. You see, I can read people's aura."

"I don't understand."

"Mom, I can read their minds. They're saying that they want to turn your business into something else. Mom, I understand you want the offer and I know that you want the money, but you have to trust me and my powers."

The very next day in the flower shop...

"Tia, I don't understand. Just yesterday it was a deal. Why would you change your mind all of a sudden?" asked Bonner.

"I like my business the way it is," Tia responded. 

"Tia, you're making a huge mistake," says Brown.

"My decision is final!" yells Tia.

As the two con men leave, Bonner knocks over a flower vase. Hajari uses his powers to fix the pot.

"Thanks, Hajari," says Tia.

Later that same day, Hajari and Tia come back from the store and they walk into the flower shop and see it's been trashed. Flowers, furniture, and broken vases everywhere.

"Oh, what a disaster," says Tia. "There must've been a burglary."

Hajari checks the cash register and there is still money in there. "Burglerers that didn't make any money? C'mon, this was a scheme from Mr. Brown and Mr. Bonner because you didn't sign the contract," says Hajari.

"I'm not so sure, we just can't blame people," says Tia.

Hajari fixes the place up with magic.

The next day, Hajari and Tia are organizing the flower pots when someone throws a brick through the window. Hajari fixes the window with a spell.

That night, at dinner, Hajari and his parents are discussing the situation.

"I don't know Charlie I just don't have enough evidence to prove it was them," says Tia as she washes the dishes.

"We'll put up an alarm system tomorrow. Right now, we can just hope they won't do it again," says Charlie.

"Okay I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Hajari," says Tia.

"I'm going too, goodnight," says Charlie.

"Goodnight," says Hajari.

The next day, Hajari and his parents decided to have a little fun and go out. They go to the movies, then to Applebees. That night, Hajari senses that Tia's shop is on fire.

"Fire!" says Hajari.

Tia and Charlie come in Hajari's room.

"Mom, Dad I had a vision! Your shop is on fire!" cries Hajari.

The family runs to the car to drive to the flower shop.

At the shop, the place is drowned in flames.

"Oh, Charlie," Tia says as she hugs him tightly and starts to cry.

Hajari looks around and see a bunch of fireman at work. Hajari walks into the shop.

"Hajari, son. No!!" says Charlie.

"Dad, I must put out the flames. Dad, I'm a fairy. You have to believe in me and my powers," says Hajari.

"Okay, I trust you, but I'm still going with you," says Charlie.

Hajari walks closer into the shop protecting himself with a barrier from the flames. Hajari now sees a man trapped by the flames.

"Dad, there's somebody there!" says Hajari.

Charlie crouched down and drags the man out. Hajari has a vision as he puts the flames out. He sees his dad, much younger, rescuing a baby from a fire.

Outside, the cops are questioning the man.

"Ma'am, it seems as if the man started the fire because Mr. Brown and Mr. Bonner forced him to and that they did it because you didn't wanna sign the contract," says one of the officers.

"I'm truly sorry," says the man that started the fire.

"Yeah, I can see that," Hajari says as he's reading the man's aura and it is saying the man is really scared and sorry.

Back in Hajari's room, Charlie and Tia are wishing Hajari another goodnight.

"Um, Dad? When I was putting the fire out, I had a vision that you rescued a baby from a fire. Who was that baby?" asked Hajari.

Charlie and Tia look at each other in shame.

"Uh, Hajari, try to go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning," says Charlie.

As Hajari turns over, he lets one tear fall down his face.

In the morning, Hajari is being explained by his parents who the baby was.

"So who was that baby?" asked Hajari.

"That baby you saw...that baby was you. You were in a burning building," says Charlie.

"What was I doing in a fire?" asked Hajari. 

"We don't know. Your father found you there," says Tia.

"And the funny thing is the fire didn't touch you. It protected you," says Charlie.

"And we knew you were magical," says Tia.

"So then I'm not your son. You adopted me. Why didn't you guys ever tell me?"

"We wanted to wait until you were older. Then, everything started to happen: fairies, ogres, magic schools," says Charlie.

"Trust me, honey, we love you very much. We never meant to deceive you," says Tia.

Charlie, Tia, and Hajari have a group hug.

"No matter what happens, you'll always be the best parents in the world," says Hajari.

The next couple of days, back at Alfea, Hajari and the Squadd are all sitting on Hajari's bed together.

"It's not that bad. Being adopted is one of the most wonderful things ever. It's an act of unselfishness and tough love," says Michael.

"Yeah, there are many kids that don't even have parents," says Musa.

"Yeah, but now I have more questions: Where do my siblings and I come from? Who are our real parents? And why do we possess such powers?" says Hajari. 

"Are you sure you want to figure that out?" asked Michael.

"Michael, what would you do if you were me?"

"I'm just saying, Hajari. I don't want you to suffer."

"Well, Hajari,  I'm sorry those aren't our real parents, but we'll help you," says Hajarianna.

"For our family, for you, for the Squadd," says Kajari.

"Yes on the count of one...two...three...four...five," says Michael.

"Squadd Bunch" the five friends exclaimed.

In the next chapter...

Hajari thought being adopted was a secret, but when Hajari reads a book about himself, the secrets are more 'shock and awing'  than ever. 

Squadd Bunch: Hajari's Destinyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن