Chapter 5

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Shay P.O.V

Oh my god why did I say yes. What the fuck is wrong with me. I have to cancel. I have to. What if he pushes me away like dad did with me and mom. What if...I can't even think about him anymore, I've just gotta hope he'll come to the coffee shop again so I can call it off. Or maybe I can just call it off when he comes to my house. God I regret saying yes. What was I thinking, I need to take care of mom, not find a fucking boyfriend. I don't even have anything to fucking wear.

I hesitated about what to wear, I hesitated when the door bell rung. "Peaches!" He grabbed me by the waist and tossed me in the air, as if I weighed nothing. He set me down gently, "What's wrong,?" He said noticing my change in facial expressions. "I can't go," I mutter quickly his face contorted in anger and disappointment "Why," he said through grit teeth.

"I don't want to. I don't even know you." I said is a hushed tone, mom was sleeping, again. "That's why we are going." He said loudly.

"Can we please talk outside, I don't want to wake her up," I gestured to my mother. He nodded and stepped outside. "Listen I'm sorry, but I'm not interested," I said folding my arms. He stepped closer to me. I stepped back.

His eyes were a dark green, again "What the FUCK," he yelled more to himself them me "What does it take to take a stripper on a date!" He shouted again, making me jump. A lump formed in my throat.

"So that's what you wanted," I said swallowing hard. Tears started to form. "What?" He said and shock flashed on his features. "No peaches-."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! DON'T TALK TO ME, DON'T THINK ABOUT ME AND DO NOT COME SEE ME, FUCK YOU!" I shouted tears streaming down my face. He stepped forward again. "No!" I shouted, but then it was all gone, and I was in the forest again, from my dreams. I started to shake.

My dad appeared this time he couldn't see me. "He walked right through me and into the house, I walked in after him. "Dad?" I said, but he couldn't here me.

"Hey baby." My dad's new fiancée comes out in a long flowing dress with a split down the leg. "When are you going to dump those stupid people, when are you gonna be with me." She whined "Soon babe, soon." "What about that little brat of yours, won't she miss her daddy." She pretended to stick out her bottom lip. My dad just laughter his whole frame shook, "Her, that little runt was an accident anyways." He laughed again and kissed her forehead. I doubled over and started to bawl.

"Nonononononononono!" I said over and over again I curled into a ball, I heard my fathers words spill out over and over again. "Her, that little runt was an accident anyways." I was ringing in my ears and making my mouth taste bile. I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched my skin together, I saw red.

"Shay, shay!" Harry was over me his eyes looked scared the rest intimidating and muscular. I opened my eyes. I was on the ground my nails embedded in my arms. Harry looked concerned all anger leaving his features. He pulled me into his arms lined with tattoos. "Shhh, peaches calm down. I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry." He lulled. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them, his face was inches from mine. I closed he space between us, and our lips met.

Harry P.O.V

I don't know what happened. I was just angry I didn't mean to make her go bat shit crazy. I didn't know why she just kept screaming no. She started scratching her arms, making her arms bleed. I used to have those too nightmares, day mares everything that resulted in me punching the wall to wake me up, or screaming. They started happening when my parents died, they still haven't stopped, but I've learned to controlled them. That's what my tattoos represent, every bad dream, and memory, nothing is happy in my life. I'm waiting for the right memory to be my first good tattoo. That's how I'll know it's special. That's how'll they know too.

Then she kissed me her hair intoxicatingly smelled of peaches. When she pulled back, her eyes started to droop. I picked her up and carried her to her room. I laid her down, and she clung to me. I pulled down with her one hand grabbed her waist and the other kept me from squishing her. I leaned down and kissed her gently. She tugged my hair lightly. I started to moan. Then she went limp and rolled on her side. I laughed lightly.

When I pulled up to our bar everyone cheered like normal. I went to the bar and ordered my drink when I heard a voice, "Styles! We need to talk."

Ok guys so CLIFFHANGER hope you like this chapter I worked hard on making it interesting. And congrats to my best friend BBBBBBRRRRROOOOOKKKKEEE for taking runner up in our school spelling bee, don't worry I'll just trip the guy so you can go instead of him lol ;) - Maddie xoxo

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