Chapter 2

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I arrive at work just in time for my boss, Jace starts to open up Starbucks. He smirks at me "Good morning beautiful." I frown at him and walk past into the cafe and put on my apron. "I see your in a lovely mood." His voice light and peppy and stupid grin plastered on his face. I frown again and walk to the back and set down my stuff, I take a deep breath and try to forget about the horrid recurrence of my nightmare. Jace comes up behind me, one hand on my waist the other in my neck. He starts to massage my shoulders, "what's wrong baby, woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He teases. I jerk away from his touch and glare at him. "Fuck off, Jace." I say dully, but with conviction.

He just smiles again and I here him mutter under his breath one day you will be mine, shay winter, you will be mine. I shake my head and give him the finger as I walk up to the front, his laughter booming in the background. The day come and goes, and Jace still chases after me, but finally after a long day it's time to go home. "Goodbye beautiful." He whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. I groan and wipe the saliva off my cheek. He just laughs again and heads into his car, I roll my eyes and head home.


*later that evening*

The alarm clock wakes me up at 9:00 I roll over, off my bed and head for the shower. Once I'm all done getting ready I sneak out before mom can see what I'm wearing, like she'll remember she's already drunk. I think to myself. I arrive at a building make of brick with no windows and a pink neon sign hanging on the sign that says 'playboys' on the front. I go in straight to my chair and do my makeup. I hangout for a while, but eventually I hear Gary the manger here at playboys yell, "ITS TIME! For the main event, you folks no what I'm talking about. Let's welcome her up. Angel!!" The crowd starts to chant "angelangelangelangelangel!" I stay exactly where I am and Gary speaks up over the roar, "Well folks I don't think she can here us, LOUDER!" The chants cheer me own begging me to come out. I roll my eyes and prepare for a show. I stand and push the curtains out of my way.

The men cheer, applaud, and whistle. "ANGEL!" The bellow sluggishly, their intoxication means more money for me. My music starts and I start to sway, dancing my way to the pole in the center in the aisle. Money's thrown at me, hands try to touch, but I reel away and swish my finger " no no no." I tell them in a teasing voice.

I finally make it to the pole and start swing in doing flips and tricks, get up in the men's faces and the pocket their hard earned money in my boobs, I cringe when I think about what their wife's must be going through and if the have children. These men are all douche bags, but I can't make this personal I need this money, mom needs this money.

I go around and around from the pole to the men, the pole to the men, but one in particular catches my eyes. His face is hard and muscular, his jawline sharp and jagged. He takes steady breathes. His bright green eyes don't roam all over my body like the others his eyes are glued to mine, his beautiful green orbs mesmerize me, and make my knees weak, I can't see much off him, but the stuff I do see, I like. I take a jagged breath and turn around. I wave one final goodbye as Gary signs me off promising I'll be back tomorrow.

I change into regular pairs of clothing and start to count my money. $500 dollars total I smile to myself. I say goodbye to everyone and head outside. When I make it to my car and the man I saw earlier is laying on my hood, a cigarette in his mouth, I see the slow breathing of his chest as it rises and falls. He finally notices me and sits up I see him clearly now. He has tattoos everywhere and a lip piercing. He's wearing all black, his muscles scolded perfectly by his shirt. His jeans have wholes in the knees and when he stands up he towers over me. I have to tilt my head a little to look at him.

He speaks in a deep, low, raspy voice "Hi I'm Harry."


So I'm leaving you guys this glorious cliffhanger, but I made this chapter longer so I hoped you liked it. Plz comment vote follow I need to know I'm not waisting my time - Maddie xoxo

P.s to Elisa and Brooke LOLZ "it's a waffle house" " no it's not"

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