Chapter 1

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Hi! DC fanatics! This is my first fanfiction so, take it easy. I don't own the characters in this story they all belong to DC Comics. This is sort of an AU but not really. I just changed Selina and Bruce's back story a little bit. And no this story is not like Gotham. Sorry Gotham fans. Anyway hope you enjoy. I post new stuff whenever I'm free.

POV: Selina: Outside of Wayne Manor

I looked at the fence that surround​ed the dark Manor. If the intel I received was correct, then the fence should be electric. Surprisingly that was the only form of security this place has. In my opinion it's stupid to have so little protection. I mean this Manor is in Gotham City. A city known for it's gangs and high crime rates. But none the less, it would be easier to get the money. I need it to pay for my mother's medical bills, food, and my survival. After my father left us mom started drinking and doing drugs. So, I had to care for the both of us, even though I'm only
15. I looked around and found a tree that grew near the gate of the Manor. I silently climbed it and back flipped off of a large branch, over the electric gate and onto the pathway to the Manor. I sighed and moved quickly to the side of the Manor. The Manor was covered in vines which I easily scaled. I pulled on the window and it opened, lucky me, this would be the easiest heist ever. I silently climbed through the window and stood on wooden floor. In the room there was only a dim lamp light. But it provides enough light for me to see the large safe. I slowly walk to it and begin deciphering the code. I am a master when it comes to unlocking safes. It comes with practice. I finished putting in the last numbers and opened the safe. To my surprise an alarm sounded. Dang it, I thought. The safe had two walls that I had to break through. The code was the  second wall, I had to disable the alarm first. Uh, stupid rich people. I was about to make a retreat when I heard the locking of a gun. I turned slowly, hands in the air. I couldn't go anywhere. I lift my head up to see an old guy holding a musket that was pointed to me. Beside the man was a boy, around my age with blue eyes. He had dark black hair and a smirk on his face. Almost as he knew I would get caught before I even arrived. "Who are you? What do you want?" The old man asked with a British accent. I smirked slowly and turned to the boy and grinned. The boy smiled back and I could tell he liked me. I finally answered, "My name is Selina Kyle. I wanted your money so I could have food to eat." The old man looked surprised. I don't know what he was expecting me to say. "Lower the gun Alfred" the boy said calmly. As he said that Alfred lowered the weapon. The boy, I assume is Bruce Wayne, walked towards me. "Hello Selina, now why did you really want my money." Bruce asked. I sighed, of course they thought I was lying. "I need it. My mother is a druggie and alcoholic. I have to care for her and myself. Not everyone has everything easy Mr. Wayne." I said with venom in my voice. Bruce looked away. Maybe he finally got the memo into his thick skull. Bruce spoke again, "I believe you and I'm sorry to have offended you. Let me repay you by housing and feeding you." Both Alfred and I had dumbstruck looks on our faces. "But, I tried to steal from you. And your letting me stay in your home!?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes, Master Bruce it is very unusual to help a criminal." Alfred said sternly. Bruce sighed and paced the room before facing us. "She had a reason for stealing, Alfred. You know that Gotham isn't the best place to live. Plus, I don't want her to go back to her  mother. She sounds like she's in a bad state. No one should have to deal with a drunk woman everyday." I looked at Bruce shyly before thanking him. He extends his hand and says, "Let's start over, I'm Bruce Wayne"
I smile take his hand and reply, "Selina, Selina Kyle, it's nice to meet you."
Bruce smiled and guided me out of the room.

Thanks for reading guys. Hope you enjoyed. I'll try to post again soon. Please comment and follow me! Until next time. Going to make a very bad joke.
Same bat time same bat fanfiction. Sorry. Bye! 🐱🌌

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