Author's note

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With the nature of the story there will be scenes with violence, swearing and disturbing content. You have been warned. It is not the sweetest book in the world.

The city involved in the story is a fictional place. It has changed from Geneva for certain reasons that make it hard to write. The new city is based off of no-where in particular

As well there will be some Russian and French( français de suisse) as Alexis is from Geneva. These will be translated and won't ever be very long. Swiss french isn't that different from French french so it should be, fingers crossed, correct (it is also standard french with no colloquialisms :/)
However, I don't speak Russian and it will come from translate. So I apologise if its not proper.

Anyway, I will attempt to update at least once or twice a week. There will be errors. I am writing it all, publishing it and then correcting the entire story grammatically. Mainly because I'd change the plot and it wouldn't make sense.

Otherwise begin and enjoy. I hope you like it 😋

-EgyptianJellyfish 🙂

All rights are reserved and constructive criticism is welcome

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