Chapter 3

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Alexis walked into the restaurant. Titanium played quietly in the background. The memories of parties flooded her mind - that was the life. Now wasn't ideal. Not with the rise of Trump.

She wove between the heard of customers. The staff at the front desk flicked frantically through their books to find reservations. People jeered at her as she reached the front of the queue. They probably didn't realise she worked there, or that she'd be their waitress.

With a practised smile, she entered the kitchen. Laid-back chefs added spices to their dishes, while irate servers took them. For once, she wished to be a chef, but knowing her luck she'd give someone food poisoning.

Taking a notepad and pen, she exited the kitchen, leaving the serenity behind her. Alexis ambled toward a group of men. The elder of the group tapped his foot to the music and stared out toward the city. The youngest kept on glancing toward the exit.

"Bienvenue" She smiled. "Welcome to the Mahola café. Are you ready to order?"

The men huddled over the table, whispering in hushed voices. Of all the jobs, she chose a waitress. To this day she had no clue why.

"Can we have the indian sharing platter?" A middle aged man asked.

She nodded, scribbling down their order. Averting her gaze from the notepad, she smiled at the men. None seemed to return the gesture - all too preoccupied in their phones or glaring elsewhere.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah four drinks" the middle man demanded in a terse tone.

That was all she said before leaving them. She could now understand why the little kid was looking toward exit. She would be too if she had to live with that man.


Rubbing her eyes, she walked toward a vacant seat. The second swarm of drunks stumbled into the restaurant, only to be turned down by Lois. Alexis rolled her hands into small fists as someone threw a bag at her friend. It was probably some woman with prominent lips and a mask of make-up. Or man who thought he was "ard".

Folding her skirt underneath her, Alexis perched on the edge of a seat - knowing full well she'd have to give it up at some point. She was always giving up something for someone.

"I fell in love with the Alexis who was strong; not this weak replacement". His words haunted her. Everything had gone silent in that court room, all eyes were on her, scanning her to see if his words held any truth. They did.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she gazed out the window. The rain tapped against the window and the wind screamed. It was free out there. The weather was not controlled by anything or anyone. Her reflection greeted her - it was distorted by the rain.

Red lipstick and a bit of mascara decorated her face. Yet the image was twisted into looking like Aaliyah. That, to her, was her worst dream.

A waitress walked toward her. Even from the reflection she could tell who it was. Her brown hair stuck up at her crown and grey streaks formed at her hairline. The waitress' face was wrinkled and her eyes were sullen but the green irises were youthful, almost enchanting.

Alexis smiled as she walked toward her. The woman clutched the notepad in her hand. A warm smile plagued on her face. Running a hand through her hair, she sat up straighter, aware that Mathilde hated slouching.

"Hi there Lexy"
A wide smile crossed the woman's face. Her wrinkled face creasing further.

"Hi Matty" She replied vaguely, staring back at the outside.

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