Chapter 3| The Vampire King

Start from the beginning

"Josephine, she's lying." She told her codly.

Josephine who hadn't taken her eyes from me, shook her head at her. "She's not." She declared. I didn't have time to react as she lifted my dress and grabbed my thigh, touching the still fresh mark on it that the priest carved. She was now bending down, one hand on the wall as the other held my leg from moving.

"Then why are you wandering around the castle?" Sorina asked me, raising one eyebrow at me.

"I was going to the king's room. He asked for me." I told her truthfully. My eyes moved down as I spoke, Josephine was still holding me and I could feel her hot breath on my inner thigh, causing me tense in alarm. I didn't like how close she was to me, but I didn't want to provoke her so I stayed still. Only when her lips touched my skin I flinched and moved away.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, raising my voice.

She only laughed and stood up straight again, fixing the revealing dress she was wearing. She walked next to Sorina who smiled at her and placed her hand on her shoulder, leaning into her.

"I wish we could taste her. So sweet and innocent." She closed her eyes as she spoke, she had a thick, british accent and her voice was low and smooth. I shallowed the hardness in my throat, feeling uncomfortable by the way she spoke of me. Her words had a double meaning and I knew that. s
She was doing it on purpose.

"I've never had a virgin before. Are they good?" Sorina asked her, playing along.

"Delicious." Josephine replied and placed a kiss on the other woman's lips as she circled her. I just staring at the way she moved and acted in owe. Cynthia told me that vampires were very sexual creatures, but looking at them now made me feel uneasy. I looked down at me feet.

"The human is embarrassed." Josephine laughed.

"We should take her to Lucien. He won't be pleased if his virgin gets late." Sorina stated and immediately she was by my side. She wrapped her fingers around my arm and pulled me closer to her as she started walking towards the other direction. Josephine simply walked ahead of us, swaying her hips seductively with each step she took.

Vampire were so different from human and I was now realising that as I looked at their features carefully. Their complexion was paler, their cheekbones high and pronounced, their lips full and they could captivate you just by the way they moved. They were elegant and seductive creatures. I had never seen them up close until now, I had read only books about them.

I snapped out of my thoughts when we reached two big wooden doors. Josephine was about to knock on the door, but Sorina held her hand, stopping her. The blonde woman smiled, giving her a small nod and stepped away, letting her do it.

"Don't look the king in the eyes, human." Sorina warned me. The icy look she gave me chilled me to the bone and I averted my eyes to the ground, letting my hair cover my face.

Sorina knocked on the door and placed her hands on it, pushing it open. A creaking sound followed and I felt Josephine's presence behind me, her hot breath was hitting my back and I bit my lip to stop myself from gasping in fear. She placed her hand on my lower back and walked in front of me. My eyes trailed up her naked back that the dress she was wearing exposed and then looked back down immediately.

"Lucien." Sorina exclaimed and I heard her footsteps as she stepped inside the room. "Why didn't you attend the party?" She asked him, a hint of annoyance evident in her voice.

Josephine didn't say anything. Instead, she gripped my hand and pulled me forwards, forcing me into the room with her. I was trying to keep my eyes glued on the floor, but my curiosity was getting the best of me. All those years reading about the vampire King and watching the drawings and now I was standing into his room and I couldn't look at him. I wanted to see who this man was. Who was the man that caused so much terror? Who was the man that held our lives in his hands?

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