'So who are you taking to the ball?' I asked, trying to copy something from the blackboard in my book.

'At the moment I don't have anyone. I actually was going to ask you.' My hand stopped and I looked at him. He was smirking. 'Seriously?'

'Yeah, seriously.'

'This is a joke, isn't it? Some crazy, stupid joke that isn't a joke. I know you, Draco. This is typical for you.'

He didn't smirk anymore . 'I am not joking.'

'You totally are.'

'I'm not joking. Just let me know if you want... to go to the ball with me.'

'Are you asking me out right now?'

'Yep. Right now, right here.'

'Fine. I'll think about it.' I sighed. I knew already what I was going to say, but I didn't want to hurt Draco.

He grinned. 'Nice.'


A few days later, Hermione and I were walking through the Entrance Hall.

'Okay, Hermione. Now is the moment. He's coming to us,' I muttered to Hermione. 'I don't want to talk to him right now. Come on,' she hissed, as she took my arm and tried to walk away, but I stopped her.

'Come on. You have to talk to him. Go for it.' Hermione shook her head. 'You said you would agree, so now is your chance. See you later!' I walked away quickly, as Krum greeted Hermione.

The corridors were packed with students, as it was snowing outside (I loved snow) and everyone stayed inside during lunch break.

I decided to go to the library to finish one of my assignments.

The library was completely empty, so I took a table nearby the window, so I could see the snow. I only had to write one scroll, so I took out my books, quill and ink.

I was just opening my bottle of ink, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was so startled I dropped my bottle of ink on top of my assignment. 'Jesus Christ!' I yelled.

I closed the bottle very fast, but my parchment was screwed up. 'I'm sorry. It wasn't my meaning to frighten you.'

'Draco! See what you've done?' I turned around and pointed at my drenched parchment. 'I told you. I'm sorry.'

'You're sorry?! I worked two hours on that assignment. You're going to fix it!'

'I can't fix it.'

'Okay, then you're going to write it for me.'

He smirked. 'And why would I do that?' I hit his arm. 'Ouch!'

'Well, you deserve it!'

'Okay, okay. I'll do it!' he agreed quickly, rubbing his arm. 'Thank you very much! I never thought you would actually do it.'

'Me neither,' he muttered under his breath as he sat down next to me. 'So, do you have some parchment? And a quill?'


'For your assignment, you dimbo!'

I laughed as I ducked in my bag to take the stuff. 'Here you go,' I said and I smacked the parchment on the table.

'Thank you!' he said with sarcasm in his voice.

I closed my eyes, grinning. 'What are you doing?'

'I'm trying to save this moment in my memory forever,' I replied, without opening my eyes. 'Jesus, you are so strange, Calli.'

I opened my eyes and tapped on the parchment. 'Go, on, get started!' I laughed. 'Yeah, sure.' He raised his eyebrows.

Chasing Time  (Seamus Finnigan)Where stories live. Discover now