I walked towards her and tapped her on the shoulder. 'Chantry! Do you want to join us?' I asked. She looked at Ron, who had already joined Harry and Hermione. 'Um... okay.' She stood up with her plate in her hands and followed me to the trio.

'Hi. Chantry, right?' asked Hermione. Chantry nodded and put her plate down. When she saw Harry, she muttered: 'Um... I'm just ehm... going to sit over there.' She shove her plate to the other side of the table and walked around the whole table to sit down at the opposit side. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I all looked confused at her, not understanding why she did it, but as she sat down, nobody said a word about it.

'I'm sorry we didn't hang out much lately,' said Hermione to me, as we started eating. 'We were just a bit ehm... busy with stuff. Harry's task and school things...' she said. I smiled. 'It's okay. I know why you avoided me, so you don't need to say it to me,' I blurted out.

'We're sorry, Dora,' said Harry. 'For not talking to her and thinking she is a bad person because her dad has an odd title?' stated Chantry, looking at Harry. Harry looked surprised when she said it. 'Um...'

'Don't worry, she just says what she thinks,' I said. Chantry nodded smiling.  'Okay...' said Harry awkwardly. 'A bit like you then,' he added. 'I suppose.'

'I'm sorry if that was a bit mean or something,' Chantry added. Harry laughed. 'Oh no, it was actually just the truth.'

Chantry smiled awkwardly as she started eating.

I was happy they talked to me again, and I realised how much I had missed my friends. I was happy too to see Harry and Ron sitting together with us, they didn't really talk to eachother though, but this was a start.

After dinner the five of us stood up, when professor McGonagall came to us. 'Miss Yaxley! Can I have a word with you please?' I thought I did something wrong, so I stood there awkwardly whilst Ron, Hermione, Harry and Chantry walked through, leaving me alone with McGonagall.

'You don't have to be afraid, you did not nothing wrong. I just wanted to ask you something.' I smiled with a reliefd sigh.

'You may have already heard that Alicia Spinnet is injured, and she can't play Quidditch until the holidays. She's a Chaser, and I would like to ask you to take her position, as I saw you fly. When she is recoverd, you can be a reserve.' The last part she said with a slightly dissaproving undertone.

'Oh, I'd love to, professor,' I replied. She smiled and tapped me on the shoulder. 'Thank you very much, miss Yaxley. Do you have a broomstick?'

'I've got a Firebolt at home,' I said. Her face cleared. 'A Firebolt? Excellent! I will write to your father to ask if he will send it to you, alright?' I nodded. 'That's arranged then. I will inform Wood, and he will let you know when there's a practice. Good luck, miss Yaxley. You can go now.'

She seemed delighted as she smiled when I turned around and the left the Great Hall. The whole way up to Gryffindor Tower I was thinking about what I just heard.

I would be a Chaser! For a few months, at least. McGonagall was very delighted when she heard I had a Firebolt, and I totally shared her opinion. The Firebolt was the best broomstick I had ever seen, and as my dad had bought me one for my birthday in the beginning of the year, i was very proud to own one.

As I entered the common room, I didn't see Hermione and Chantry, but Harry and Ron were sitting by the fireplace (I guess they were just waiting for Hermione and Chantry to come back), so I sat down next to Harry.

'Why are you beaming?' Ron asked to me. 'What did she ask you is more correct, I think,' said Harry.


'So what did she ask you?' sneered Ron.

I didn't pay attention to him. 'She asked me to stand in for Alicia Spinnet,' I said beaming.

'So you're a Chaser now? Super cool!' said Harry, and he gave me a high five. 'I didn't even knew you could fly!' he said.

'Well, she can fly. And bloody good if you ask me,' said Ron. I laughed. 'So I won that challenge, didn't I?'

He sighed and gave in. 'Okay then. You did.'

'Next time we do a challenge we should have a prize. For the winner, ' I stated.

'Great. Because next challenge, I'll win,' he said as he rubbed his hands and smirked.  

'Oh, you won't.'

'I bet I will.'

'I bet you won't.'

'Oh, so now we're making a bet on the winner of a challenge we don't even have?' he remarked.

I shrugged. 'Obviously.'


So this is a shorter chapter (I think this is actually the right length for one time), because it was first part of the previous chapter, but then I realized that chapter was way to long, so I split it in two. I hope that went well.

Loran ;-)

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