Chapter 30: Storm before the calm part 2

Começar do início

''The samurai amulet.'' I said angrily and the others eyes widened in realisation.

''Yes,'' Sensei said to me ''I believe Lothor intends to charge it with Courtney's powers and then use it to open the abyss and allow evil to enter our world.'' We were all quiet s we tried to take this in.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

I was still on Lothor's ship wondering why I could not use my Flaming powers. The only reason I could think of is that when me and Lothor fought and I had to keep using my shield I weakened my powers.

Suddenly I heard Lothor's voice. ''That's right,'' he said staring at Cams samurai amulet which he was draining the power from on a machine ''drain all its precious energy.'' He said with a maniac look in his eyes.

I was still trying to break my binds when chooboo entered the room.

''I've set the self-destruct mechanism on the ships bridge sir,'' he told Lothor ''just like you ordered.'' He sounded really proud of himself.

''Excellent.'' Lothor sounded really happy as he answered chooboo.

I looked on disgusted willing my powers to start working and allow me to flame out of here.

''Hey uncle, what about us?'' Marah asked as she and Kapri wondered over.

''What about you?'' Lothor said sounding cold and unimpressed.

''Well now that we are really evil, don't we get to play a part in your ultimate victory.'' They asked sounding excited.

''Now that you're evil I suppose that I cant really trust you can I,'' he said with an evil glint in his eyes and they looked upset ''you were a little too enthusiastic when you were plotting against me with Shimazu.'' He said now sounding really angry.

''But uncle you told us to do that.'' Marah sad trying to defend her and her sister realising that this wasn't going well for them.

''Remember? We were all in on it to trick Vexacus into trying to get rid of your generals.'' Kapri added.

"Yes, yes," Lothor nodded sounding very impatient with his nieces. "We had to make sure that the Abyss was at maximum capacity," He had a sudden malicious glee in his eyes "But you know, there's always room for two more! Chooboo!" He shouted and the two sisters were restrained next to me.

After the Amulet was drained Lothor approached me. ''Now lets see.'' He pointer the amulet at me and my morpher powers and my energy began to drain and I felt weak.

''Now lets see you help your friends or yourself.'' He walked off laughing.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Cam's POV:

''We have to stop the abyss from opening,'' Shane spoke up looking around at us all ''there has to be a way.''

''We need help, ninja help.'' Blake suggested and we all nodded.

''Where are we going to find that?'' Shane asked and we all knew of only one place and It was not going to be easy.

''"Lothor's ship!" Hunter turned to look at them. "Every ninja on the planet is locked up there!" he reminded them.

"We could take the Dragon Force Vehicle!" I told everyone knowing that my little zord would get us up there just like last time.

"Wait!" Hunter's bark stopped them all. "Blake and I should go alone," he said and I knew that I needed to go with them as had to help save Courtney who I owed my life and my dads life too. "We've been on his ship. We know where to look," he reminded them, and the Wind Ninjas nodded in agreement but I turned to them as Mickaela frowned worried.

Courtney Oliver: Firestorm rangerformOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora