Chapter 24: Shimazu's return part 2

Start from the beginning

"Say no more, Cam" Sensei responded "You have my permission."

Blake grinned and clapped his hands "We're finally gonna see what the big deal is." The wall behind Cam slid upwards and the Samurai pulled out the box he had retrieved from the Asian Museum earlier that same day.

"Anyone want to take bets?" Hunter asked

Shane smirked "Oh, its gotta be like some really old sword..." he suggested

"Or a cool fighting staff" Dustin added

Cam placed the box on the table as the rangers gathered around, the Samurai then proceeded to open it to reveal another ancient scroll. The rangers sighed. "Great," Tori said with fake enthusiasm "just what we need. Another ancient scroll."

The Samurai removed the scroll from its confinements and started to read through it "Huh, Cam?" Shane started off nervously "I just wanted to ask -"

"Shh!" the Green ranger responded

"Okay..." Shane trailed, looking back at his friends "maybe we'll just leave you alone"

Blake smirked "So what do we do while we wait for the dog pound?" I rolled my eyes at his remark.

"Be strong," Sensei answered "and be alert!" I nodded and walked back to my room to prepare what I wanted to wear for the show. I wasn't going to tell the others as they thought that I hated the show, But me and my friends had always wanted to sing in a group usually its just me and Kira but she is busy with school.

As far as I know none of our parents will be there but its still nice for us all get together. All of a sudden Cam called me back into the ops room.

*Firestorm Rangerform*

"Let me get this straight," Tori said, "you want what?" I know where her hesitation is coming from but I also knew Cam wouldn't ask without good reason.

The eight rangers were crowded one another; as Cam held out one of his hands "You're power disks" he repeated.

"I know Im the slow one," Dustin said, speaking up "but doesn't that mean we wont have any power?"

"Only until I get back" Cam informed him.

Blake shook his head "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea." Mickaela glanced at her morpher looking nervous.

"Yeah, I kinda like knowing that I can kick some space Ninja butt," Hunter agreed "If I have too."

"I understand your hesitation, rangers" Sensei said, coming forward "but it is the only way." I glance from my morpher to Cam and Sensei and I know what I must do. I take my power disk out and say.

''OK but Im coming with you,'' Cam went to disagree but I shook my head ''look it makes sense I can Flame us back if it gets too bad.'' In the end he nodded.

"To defeat his Wolf blades," Sensei started to explain "we must open the portal to the ancient world, there are only seven objects powerful enough to do that.''

"Look, if anything happens Cyber Cam can activate the Zords," Cam informed his friends "You can still operate them; you'll just be in civilian form.''

Shane took a deep breath, if this was truly the only way to defeat Shimazu then they had to do it "Okay," he said reluctantly, removing his Power Disk from his morpher and handing it over. The others following suit.

"Thanks," Cam nodded.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Me and Cam were sitting in the cockpit of his zord and he was informing the other rangers of our progress. "I've got the co-ordinates," Cam said over the intercoms to the patiently listening rangers back at Ops "and I should be in range soon. Stay on alert rangers just a few clicks to the portal sight.'' He informed them.

Courtney Oliver: Firestorm rangerformWhere stories live. Discover now