Chapter Thirteen:

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After lots of celebrating, his father stands to do his speech,"So I want to now officially announce that Regina is now Empress and my son is now Emperor," the crowd murmurs at the unexpected news,"My wife and I have decided to take a step back and let them take over and be in charge".

"Sudden? Yes. Bad timing? Nope. We believe that they are both capable of taking over this kingdom. The coronation will be in a week. During this time, they will be getting trained and being brought up to date on everything".

"Now. Enough with the serious stuff. Time for the father of the bride, the bride and I to give you a little performance that no one knows about".

I laugh when I see Gabe's face as he turns to ask me what is going on. "Wait and see", I tell him as I stand.

Both dads walk over slowly as I stand infront of our table that has stairs before it. My dad rips the bottom part of my dress to reveal a knee length fit and flare dress that's white on top but has a red skirt. I take both their hands and they weightlessly carry me by my arms down to the dance floor all this while the song "Cake by the Ocean by DNCE" is playing and may I just say we crushed the choreography!!

Everyone was screaming and cheering for us by the time we stopped. Gabe is both astonished and happy. Now it's time for our first dance as husband and wife. The song "You and I by One direction" starts playing as he approaches me on the dancefloor. We do our dance and the song "This is what you came for" started on cue to invite everyone else onto the dance floor.

Overall, very minor setbacks with the wedding. We leave and head home after the ceremony is done. It feels so nice to just finally be home. Our chauffeur opens the door for us and Gabe steps out then carries me in bridal style.

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Oh my word I'm about to lose my mind!! Monday has been worse than Six Flags' Giant drop!!! I have so much to absorb. Books. Lectures. Audios. I haven't seen my hubby at all today. I woke up and he was already gone.

I am sitting down for the first time since I woke up doing nothing but drinking some wine. Ok... Maybe a bit more than some. But I'm good regardless of how much I'm drinking. I guess being a goddess helps.

Someone takes the glass I'm drinking from me without a word and I involuntarily grab them by the neck without looking and say,"Put it down or I won't hesitate to end your life".

"I dare you", he grumbles against my hand.

I turn to face him as he drinks down the glass of wine. I let go of him as he refills the glass. "What do you want? Aren't you supposed to be busy doing something??"

"You're one to talk", he throws back coldly downing the glass of wine putting it down on the table, then turns to lazily and frustratedly look at me,"We have a meeting in 5 minutes. Try not to be late this time".

"I don't feel like being on time. You'll be waiting a while. I don't feel like going".

"It's not optional, Regina. This is serious!!"

"Surprise surprise",I say with a bored tone and get off the chair.

When I start walking away, he grabs my arm and says,"Why are you acting like this??"

"Because I can. I'm empress remember? Now let go".

"I'm emperor and you don't see me acting a fool".

"Well, that's your choice. Let go of me!!"

"You need to show me a little more respect!" He says through gritted teeth his grip getting even stronger. I feel like I might bruise.

I slap his face hard throwing him off just enough for him to let go. "You do NOT get to tell me what to do and hurt me at will. I will hurt you way worse if you dare do that to me again. I HATE dealing with prideful people. Especially you..." I state then walk away. I feel a sting in my hair and feel pulled then slammed against the wall.

"You need to cut this out", he growls at me his claws slowly digging into my neck. That's all it takes for Ava to take charge and shove him really hard he slams against the wall, breaking it. She telepathically binds his arms to his body and his legs are tight against each other like he was packaged by a gigantic wrap.

She pulls her arms apart and he whimpers in pain and I can see his body tightening even more. We now have an audience. His parents and some of the other people that live here are now crowded around us. "I will say this once again, I will never repeat it again. Next time I will kill you!!"

She releases him and he falls to the ground coughing. "Do not hurt my girl or I will hurt you back tenfold. I'm not in the mood for this foolishness", with that, she walks out of the house people letting her through without hesitation.

When we're out, we take off into the sky to just cool off.

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