Chapter One:

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"I hate it when you do that!!!!"

"What did I do???"

"You make me feel like I'm the reason she's acting like this!!"

"Well it is!! Our daughter acts like she owns us! Since when did we become slaves to our own daughter??"

"Ask the person who trains her not her mother". With that my mom walks out of the room slamming the door behind her. My dad glares at me and I just roll my eyes with disgust and annoyance.

"You are going to get yourself in trouble young lady".

"Oh I'm so scared", I say sarcastically,"Listen father, the next time you wanna threaten me, how about you point a bazooka at my car", I scan his body up and down, scoff, stand holding my head high and walk off with poise and confidence.


"Go to hell, father".

-------------------- x --------------------

That conversation is the reason why I am now sitting in this room crying because my dad got me betrothed to some stranger. I sob. For all I know, he's a pedophile. I don't wanna get married so young. I mean I don't love him, I don't even know him, should I continue to list what else I 'don't' about him??

Oh my gosh!! It's like a nightmare. I hear the doorbell ring downstairs and I feel like I'm about to die. I stand to look at my reflection in the mirror. I then wipe my tears, powder up then straighten up. So here's the plan: be mean till he doesn't want anything to do with me. I grin deviously and cat walk out of the room. The song Reflection by Fifth harmony rung in my head.

I walk down the stairs with a frown of #MeanGirl. I see a guy with blond smooth hair and a buff silhouette. I raise my eye brow a little impressed. He turns as my dad says,"Oh speaking of the devil".

I scoff and smirk when our eyes meet, then I scan him head to toe while walking around him and stop before him again and say," Not bad, father. However... I do not like that he's a blond. Is he rich?"

"Regina!" My father curses.

"Well... I wish you ate better and had a better hairstyle and that you did your make up better. You look like you just woke up from a car wreck or something. Is this how she always looks??" He asks my father pensively.

I scoff and say,"Listen here, dickwad! I don't have time for your foolishness. The question was simple, it's a yes or no question. How many people you know give you a yes or no question? Didn't think so. So yes or no?"

"I'm the emperor's son, you fool. Watch how you speak to me".

I roll my eyes,"Oh boohoo. Try being the emperor for a change. Almost dead is not dead. Get with the times".

He looks like he could blow bullets through my skull. I smirk and walk by him but stop beside him to say,"You're gonna have to do better than that to attract me, bozo. Nice butt though", I squeeze his butt and he stiffens. I laugh evilly as I walk on toward the stairs and back upstairs saying,"See you around hubby".

------------------- x ---------------------

I get in my room and close the door. My body starts to shake uncontrollably. That was so terrifying. I strip and hit the shower. I come out later dried up in a pair of my sexy white lingerie. I walk into my room and go straight to my closet. "Hm... Not bad. I'd do that in black. White is a bit slutty".

I roll my eyes and turn to face my hubby and give him a plastic smile seeing as he's still in his suit I'm safe. "Well if it isn't the hubby", I turn back to look for my pjs. "How can I be of service to you?"

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