Chapter Three:

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It's been a long week! My hubby has been ignoring me ever since I told him about wanting to marry him just to make my parents happy. Maybe he feels the shockwaves too...

I'm going to talk to him right now. I reach the guest room and overhear a conversation between him and someone else, I dunno who. He's on the phone it seems.

"Yeah I know but I can't tell her yet. I mean what will she think of me? I just don't want her to hate me, I mean she already doesn't wanna marry me so yeah........ I know but...... Okay...... Ugh! I um... Just give me a sec", he whispers the last part and I almost didn't catch it. Before I know it the door flies open and I freeze in my tracks just staring into his eyes.

He raises his eyebrows and speaks into the phone,"I love you mom. I'll talk to you later....... Okay bye", he hangs up.

I give him a sheepish smile and say,"Hello, I planned on knocking... eventually".

He nods his face blank,"What do you want?"

"I wanna know why you've been avoiding me".

"I'm not avoiding you, I'm busy. You know that I'm the emperor's son. I have errands to run and a job. So... You are not my priority", he puts up a fake smile and finishes by saying,"Now if you'll excuse me. I gotta get back to work. See you at dinner", not giving me a chance to answer, he shuts the door on my face.

What the heck is going on?? I turn around and head back up to my room. I check my phone and see nothing. I toss it across the bed and sigh in frustration. What is it that he can't tell me? I shake my head at the thought of it and just head back down stairs. I am so bored that even if a chef came and was just cooking regularly I'd watch him and actually be entertained.

----------------------- x -----------------

I am going for training tomorrow at the castle so I gotta leave at 4am. I think I should say goodbye to Regina, but she probably doesn't care if I do or don't. But I'm right outside her door, so I might as well just do it. Before I knock on the door I hear her talking to someone.

"He doesn't wanna talk to me. Maybe he thinks I'm not worth it. I mean he has every right to think so, it's not like I treat him right anyway...... Maybe he thinks I'm repulsive", she mumbles the last part.

I feel like a dagger just dove into my heart when she said that. There is nothing wrong with her. I just can't tell her the big things yet, not till she learns to love me. I knock on the door,"Regina?" My voice comes out really hoarse so I clear my throat and say again,"Regina?"

"What?" Is all she asks.

"Can I come in please?"


"Too many questions. Yes or no?"

She sighs and says,"Yes..."

I open the door and walk in to see her in a bra and boxer shorts. I'm taken aback a little. "What?" She asks nonchalantly.

I shake my head but my heart is literally racing right now. "Liar".

"Oh so you read minds now?" I ask my brow raised.

She shrugs and says,"You should know that all women read men's minds".

"False", I said confidently.

She frowns confused,"How so?" She asks.

"You are not repulsive, A and B you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I am not ignoring you because I don't think you're worth the time. I am keeping my distance because you expressed that you will only marry me to please your parents, if so... Then I have no time to socialize with a contractor since that is what you insinuated hence the silence and distance. I don't wanna get attached then later have my heart broken. Anyway that's not why I'm here. I'm here to say goodbye cuz I'm leaving and I dunno when I'll be back. So! You have a great night and I'll see you at the engagement party, hopefully", I give her a curt smile and walk out not giving her a chance to speak. I go to my room and start packing my things.

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