Chapter 12: Miss Magix

Start from the beginning

At the Miss Magix Theatre, the Trix are standing in the hallway.

"Why are we here?" asks Corki.

"Sisters, we are here to do a good deed," says Sun-Hi. "Lucy asked me to have the three of us transform her into a gorgeous girl to win the Miss Magix Contest."

"This is so lame," says Jodi.

"Oh, but here's the best part: when she's crowned Miss Magix, we'll break the spell. Oh...Lucy!" Sun-Hi said.

In Hajarianna's dressing room, the Squadd are helping Hajarianna prepare for the contest.

"Hm...which dress should I wear? Red or white?" Hajarianna asks.

"Hajarianna, you have to wear the same thing as everyone else. That's the rules," says Hajari.

"Oh fine!" Hajarianna says as she pouts.

Michael and Musa come in with hair and facial products.

"Oh, Hajarianna? We have everything you need to win," says Michael. "Your skin will be dark, smooth, and flawless."

"And your hair will be like black silk," says Musa.

"Listen. Whatever torture you deem appropriate, just do it so I can win," says Hajarianna.

Everyone laughs and then hears someone crying. When they go in the hallway to see who is crying, it is a girl whose hair looks like it fell out.

"What happened to you?" asks Hajari.

"A disaster, someone switched my shampoo with hair removal," the girl says.

"Ew, what is that atrocious thing?" asks Hajarianna.

The girl felt insulted by what Hajarianna said and runs away crying. The Trix walk pass Hajari.

"Hmph. The usual suspects," Hajari says as he quietly walks back into the dressing room.

Later, the contest starts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another year of the Miss Magix Contest! Let's see who will be going home crowned Miss Magix," says the host, "Here are our contestants: Khairah of Rouge, Mercedes of Aquila, Karen of Madrid, Brittany of Flower Meadow,  Ciara of Roq, Lara of Cranston, Aqua of Andros,  Estrella of Starlight, Nia of Sandyland, Asia of Melody, Princess Hajarianna of Solaria, and Ms. Lucy."

The audience cheers when Lucy comes out.  Lucy looks like Zendaya with her gorgeous brown hair, very tall, and evenly tan skin. 

Back in Hajarianna's dressing room...

"Did you see the crowd's reaction when Lucy came out?" asks Hajarianna. "Now I'll never when."

"Hajarianna, it's just a contest," says Hajari.

"But it's not fun If I don't win."

Back in the contest...

"Now each contestant will perform their own talent," says the host. "So, Ms. Khairah with her singing."

Khairah tries to sing, but Sun-Hi puts a spell on her to make her sing horribly. 

The Trix laugh loudly.

"Next up Is Mercedes with her dog tricks."

Jodi makes the dogs chase Mercedes off the stage. 

The Trix laugh again. 

As each contestant comes out, the Trix puts spells on them to mess each and everyone's performance except Lucy and Hajarianna. But then, it was Hajarianna's turn to perform. As the curtains open whole, she wears a cowgirl suit and she does a cowgirl dance for three minutes with her hazel eyes brighter than ever.

"How does it feel to be here?" asks the host.

"Deronoh os leef I," says Hajarianna.

What kind of spell did the Trix put on Hajarianna?

"Why of course. You can speak backward she said: 'I feel so honored.' We have truly a gifted young lady here."

Hajarianna walks off the stage.

"Now we have Ms. Lucy!" said the host. 

Lucy does a ballet dance and the crowd goes wild while she sings a song from Britney Spears called '(Can't get no) Satisfaction.'


"Ladies and gentlemen, let's give all our contestants a round of applause", says the host. "Now the winner of the Miss Magix contest is...drum roll please...Ms. Lucy!"

"Ugh!" says Hajarianna.

The Trix breaks the spell on Lucy and makes her return to her original appearance.

"Uh oh, looks like someone's using magic.  This calls for an automatic disqualification!" says the host.

Lucy runs off the stage crying.

"The real winner of the Miss Magix Contest is Princess Hajarianna of Solaria! Congratulations, Hajarianna, you're the most beautiful woman in the Magic Dimension."

Walking back to Alfea...

"Squadd, I won the contest, we should go out and celebrate," says Hajarianna.

Hajari clears his throats.

"Oh my! Hajari! Do you have a throat Problem? You really should get that checked out," says Hajarianna.

"Do you have a memory problem? What did we talk about? Hit the books!" says Hajari.

"Okay! Okay," says Hajarianna.

The next day, Hajarianna takes the test. 

"Good morning, Hajarianna. Are you ready?" asks Palladium.

Hajarianna takes the test. She tries to finish what Hajari started which is to grow trees and plants. She makes It rain too much and Palladium stops the simulation so she would not drown.

"Hajarianna, are you alright?" asks Palladium.

"Yes, Professor," Hajarianna says sadly.

"I'm sorry, Hajarianna. I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you an 'F' you didn't do the work. As much as I hate to see my students fail, try again in two weeks."

"Yeah, don't feel bad, Hajarianna, because right now because the future does not look so bleak. Our vacation is coming up," says Hajari as the whole class cheers.

In the next chapter...

 Hajari is revealed a shocking truth about his past. What is it?

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