01 >> and somehow, the world got worse

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"nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change

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"nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change."
-mary shelley


ME BEING THE UNLUCKY soul I am, I could not sleep for the majority of the day I believed was, out of all three-hundred and sixty-five (no, we are not including leap years, it's too early for all of you sarcastic assholes out there) the worst. Ah, instead I was rudely awoken by several voices shouting and talking at different speeds, volumes and tones; combined with the echo of footsteps running up and down the stairs.

Groaning, I sat up, wondering what the hell the commotion was about, when Alex burst into my room and began rummaging around my drawers.

"Alex? What the hell!?" I screamed, my voice still groggy from waking up literally thirty seconds ago.

"Get up. Get anything you need, don't overpack. Food, clothes, weapons. No point bringing your phone, the signals have cut off everywhere. Bring a book if you really want too, only one. And not one the size of the freaking bible, so no Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Your size limit is Half-Blood Prince, you got that?" He rushed out all at once, grabbing several of my own items of clothing and stuffing it into my backpack that was previously slumped on my floor.

"Alex, what's going on? Why the hell do I need weapons?" I asked, slowly standing up and rubbing my eyes.

"Ferne, nobody knows what's happening okay? Just, you just gotta stay calm. I'll explain once you've got all your things together." He told me, his voice in a slightly calmer tone but his hands not slowing as he pushed in several pairs of my underwear.

Well, that's awkward.

"I've got everyone's toothbrushes, not sure what state the bathroom is in now." He finished, before throwing me my bag. "Get changed into something you can.. run in. And don't be too long. I finished packing your clothes."

"Alex!" I called out.

"Yeah?" He asked, spinning around.

"Can I have a brief summary of what the fuck is going on?"

"The world's gone to shit."


Once Alex had left, I changed into my leggings, the most comfortable T-Shirt I owned, which happened to be my Panic! At The Disco one, and a black hoodie. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I faced my hardest decision yet; what book to take.

I know everybody is freaking out right now, and it could be a life threatening situation, but I'm really not sure why everybody is acting so crazy.

Surely I can take a little bit of time to choose a book.

Quickly scanning my bookshelf, my eyes flicked over several titles: Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, The Mortal Instruments. Continuing my search, moving my eyeballs so fast I'm surprised they didn't go a full three-hundred and sixty degrees around, I stopped them at my comic section.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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