The kiss was slow and sensual heating my body up entirely and I moaned against his mouth wanting more. Usually, when he kissed me it was hot and heady like he couldn't get enough and was afraid I would be snatched out of his arms, but this kiss. This kiss was different, it was like D'Angelo was talking his time, and I couldn't have been happier.

"You go and have a bath, I'll make us breakfast" D'Angelo murmured as he broke the kiss.

"Okay" I replied, my voice was soft and breathless.

My heart clenched as he pulled away from me, taking his body heat with him. Part of me was thankful that we hadn't gotten further than kissing. It showed that D'Angelo was willing to take things slow, especially since he was the one that had pulled away from me. But another part of me wished he hadn't wished that we had just gotten lost in the throes of passion and that he had ravished me until I screamed his name. This was so different from when we had first met and so unexpected.

Of course, I might have felt bad about it after but, something inside me was screaming to forget about the consequences and just give in to the passion, the feelings that I was trying to hold back.

I watched silently as D'Angelo pulled his suit pants on over his briefs. He was about to reach for his shirt but refrained when he caught me watching him. His green eyes sparkled with mischief as he threw his shirt back on the decorative chair I had in my room and winked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him instantly. I knew exactly what he was doing, and his plan only proceeded to torture me.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you were checking me out Miss Abate" he said naughtily as he leaned over the bed towards me.

His lips connected with mine before I could deny the accusation and I laughed as he kissed me deeply. The bed dipping from his sudden weight as he leaned over me, his hands tangled in my crazy mess of hair. His lips consuming mine in a tortuous kiss that left me panting and moaning.

"Always knew you were a moaner" he said wickedly as he pulled away.

I gasped mockingly and slapped his arm as he laughed. The nerve of this man would be the death of me.

"Though I'm sure I can turn you into a screamer" he said as he bent back down and nipped my ear lobe.

Heat flushed my cheeks as I decided now was the time to get up. D'Angelo sensed my movement and leaned away from me, he was still close. I could feel the heat radiating off his body but I had enough room to sit up now to breathe.

"Are you always this cocky?" I asked as I slipped out from under the covers.

As I stood my nightgown fell to its full length just above my knee, and I blushed as I felt D'Angelo's heated gaze on me. Obviously, I hadn't noticed that my nightgown had ridden up in the middle of the night.

Normally that wouldn't have been a big deal. It happens all the time, but with D'Angelo in my bed, it would have given him easy access and that made my mind wander to a very dirty place.

I cleared my throat jolting D'Angelo out of his trance. He swallowed thickly as his eyes met mine, his adams apple bobbing as he stammered to talk. My stomach fluttered as my cheeks heated up. To get that reaction out of him just because my nightgown had ridden up was quite amazing to me. Never had I had that kind of reaction from a man before from such a simple thing. Hell, it took a lot more than my nightgown riding up to turn on my past boyfriends.

"I'll, ah-" he stammered clearing his throat as he got off the bed.

I couldn't help the giggle that past my lips because of his awkwardness. My cheeks grew warm as I mentally scolded myself. A giggle! Seriously?! I'm 24 years old and I was giggling like a little school girl.

The Gun Wants Me *currently writing and editing*Where stories live. Discover now