Chapter 11

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December 25

After we drank some hot chocolate, we began to walk toward the mall. He held my hand as we strolled down the sidewalk. It was quiet, but it wasn't awkward silence. We were peacefully enjoying each other's presence.

We made it to the mall and walked in, the warmth from the mall inviting us both in. I sighed and unzipped my coat when we walked in.

"There's an awesome restaurant on the third floor that we should visit first," Evan began to lead me over to the escalators. I smiled and nodded, feeling how empty my stomach was despite the fact I had some breakfast and a cup of hot chocolate.

We rode the escalators up to the second floor, and then we rode another one to get to the third floor. I let Evan lead the way as he held my cold hand. We passed shops that were bustling with people as we made our way to the restaurant.

Evan turned the corner and walked into an Italian themed restaurant. He went up to the front counter and told the lady we wanted a table for two. The woman said it would be a twenty minute wait. Evan turned to me to see if I was okay with that, and I grinned at him.

"I don't mind waiting," I told him.

"Okay. We might as well do some shopping while we wait," he nodded and took the little beeper from the lady. As we walked out, I sighed in disbelief.

"It's lunch time on Christmas Day and they're so packed it'll take us twenty minutes to get seated," I quietly ranted. Evan laughed at me.

"If you want, we can eat somewhere else," he offered, but I shook my head.

"No, I really want to eat there. I can suffer for twenty minutes," I jokingly chuckled.

We went into a nearby fragrance store. We were drawn in mostly by curiosity. The place smelled of many different scents, mostly of flowers and other girly things. I glanced over at Evan, who seemed a little uncomfortable. I giggled at him, and he turned and gave me a confused look.

I turned and walked out of the store while I held Evan's hand. I scanned the hall, looking for a store we would both enjoy. I spotted a clothing store that had men and women clothes in the window. We walked in and began to look around. I spotted a rack that had blue jeans. I went over to them and began to search for my size, forgetting Evan standing behind me.

"You like them?" he asked as I found my size.

"Yeah. I'm going to buy a pair or two," I pulled two off the rack.

"I can pay for them," I said as I turned to look at him.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yeah, consider it a Christmas gift," he replied. I chuckled, remembering those exact words when Sydney bought that blue dress for me.

"Thank you," I smiled at him. He held out his hand and I gave him the jeans. He walked to the cashier and played for them. He handed me the bag that the cashier put the jeans in, and we walked out of the store.

"Wait, you didn't even get anything," I looked at him.

"I never said I was shopping for myself," he grinned. I was about to say something back, but the little beeper began to flash and vibrate.

"Oh, our table is ready," he took my hand in his and led me to the Italian restaurant. We handed the beeper over to the lady, and she led us to our table. She gave us our menus and told us our waiter would come to get our drinks.

I quietly scanned the menu, gawking at all of the amazing foods they had. I was unsure of what to order, and I bounced between one dish and another.

"Hello, I'm Nicole. I'll be your waiter today. What would you guys like to drink?" Nicole smiled at us.

"I'll have a water," Evan looked up at her and then looked down at his menu.

"I'll have (insert drink)," I told her. She wrote them down and looked back at us with a smile.

"I'll be back with your drinks," she put her pen in her pocket and walked away. I sat there quietly, deciding what I wanted to eat. When I made my decision, I felt Evan tap my hand. I folded the menu and laid it down as I took Evan's hand in mine.

"I didn't get the chance to ask this earlier, but I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend," he confidently looked into my eyes as he asked, and I could feel my face heat up.

"I would love to," I replied.

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