CHAPTER 4: Saving me again

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With that we laughed together and made our way to the parking lot. My eyes widden when i saw....

Axel pov:

My eyes widden when i saw the monster in front of me 😭😭😭.

"OMG Jake is that yours" i pointed my finger to the bike in front of me.


Im afraid and also hated them because when i was 6 a bike kill my small puppy Cookie.

"Stop it now come on, get in or i will make you myself" Jake said in a serious tone and a tint of amusement in it.

"oh try me" i replied in a challenging tone.

"Surely then mam, your wish is my command" he replied smirking.

With that he lift me by my waist and put me on the bike.

I scream like a mad person and Jake laugh his ass out and tied the helmet on my head.

"im not a little girl, you know" i said pouting.

He said nothing and got in infront of me and started the engine. I was to proud to hold his waist, so i tried my best to keep my equilibrium.

Suddenly i felt myself and my face crushed on the back of Jake. He was going fast and keep on speeding, he was going really fast.

" asshooooole slowwww dowwwwwnnn" i shivered with fear and my hair was going into every direction.

"hahahahaha" i heard him laugh.

Got no option left, i cling tightly to his waist and i could feel his abs though his shirt. I saw him smirking. He was getting on my nerves so i hold him tighter almost like crushing him.

" babe if you wanted to hug me, you could just ask, i will give you many cause you little pressure isn't giving pain but only goodness" he said smirking.

Hearing the word babe my cheeks instantly redden.

"im no babe okay and by the way i was not hugging you, i was trying to suffocate you" i replied with the same smirking.

We stopped and he helped me got down.

"ohhh i so hurt " he said dramatically putting his hand on his heart.

" stop being a drama queen " i replied sacarstically.

We laugh together and we made our way to the fair.

We went to the hot dog stand and also he brought me a blue cotton candy.

We went to some shooting games there he won a beautiful and cute white bear.

I tried many times but always misses it. I was disapointed cause i really wanted to shoot those and win a prize.

"Sir, i want to try one more time please" i said to the man.

I got the gun in hand and was ready for my shoot when, hands glide on mine. It was Jake.

"Relax, take a deep breath and concentration, keep your hand ...." He said.
but i couldnt hear any other words because the position we were was giving me goosebumps. He was leaning on me and his perfume was heavenly. How i wanted to trace his abs, how i wanted to taste those red lips.
" what the heck you thinking Ax " i said to myself. With that i shoot without thinking.

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