CHAPTER 3: embarassing situation

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Axel pov:
The annoying alarm started to ring,slamming it off i saw that it was 7.35 and i was extremly late for school.To make it even better(note the sarcasm)it was raining heavily. Running to the bathroom ,i did my morning stuff within 5minutes and i got dressed real quick putting on a white shirt and washed up jeans and black vans. i rushed through the door. i didnt bother to take an umbrella as it was 7.50 already. i ran in the rain cursing myself. At the entrance i was breathless.

I entered the school gates and surprisingly everybody was staring at me including jake and his friends and some boys were whistling. Jake and i locked eyes and his face harden. I didnt know what was his problem so i continued my way.

While walking i felt a presence behind me,turning around a leather jacket was thrown at me and saw Jake walking away with an angry face. "what the heck just happen" i said to myself.

Moments later Rosie was beside me, i greeted her
" hi Rosie, did you see that, Jake jus..." I didnt got the time to finish, Rosie interupted me and said
" OMG Ax look at you shirt, your boobs are showing"
. Realising what she just said i look down and was shocked, i immidiately put Jake's jacket on and i could smell his perfume which was good by the way.

Realising the situation i completly forgot to wear my bra due to my lateness "what a dumb" i said to myself. With that the bell rang and we went to our classes. I was looking for Jake everywhere because i wanted to thank him but from the 1st period to the 6th period i could find him.

Entering the 7th period the history class i made my way to my table where Jake was sitting so i went beside him. It was really awkward i wanted to thank him but didn't master up the courage. The class begin, i tap his shoulder and murmured a thank you quicklybut he didn't seems to pay attension. So my second alternative was to write a letter.

Having the letter in hand, i fold the letter and tried to throw it at Jake but i missed my aim at it went too far. It fell onto the teacher's table and instantly my eyes widden. Mr. Troops got the letter and looked at me.
"so ms. Sanders, you send flying letters now?"
In a questioning tone. "How sweet of you Ms. Sanders" he winked.
I glanced at Jake and saw his knuckle whiten. It was strange.

Mr. Troops said out loud "lets read this letter guys".
He began "Hey i wanted to say thank you for saving me today, i know we are not in good terms, i really appriciate what you did. That was cool of you and thanks for the jacket.

Upon finishing the letter everybody was laughting. I couln't take it, i was so ashamed so i grabbed my stuffs and run out of the room earning even more laughing.

I sat under a tree in the school backyard crying my eyes out. I felt something soft touching my hands and saw that it was a white handkercheif but most importantly Jake was sitting beside me.
"why are you here, didn't i get myself enough embarassed today, so you here to annoyed me more" " please go away". I said in a sad tone.
"Are you done with you bitchy mood?" He said in a funny tone.
"so now you are calling me a bitch urgh what a great day today" i replied in a frustrating tone.
"ohh come on stop being a drama queen and come with me" he said the last part seriously.
"why you doing this" i said in a serious tone.
"i just wanted to enlighten your mood" he replied.
"But why are you doing this?" I said.
"im going to take you somewhere fun" he said in a funny tone completely avoid my question.
I look at him in a question way and he was serious.
"And also im not going to murder you don't you worry" he said laughing.
His laughter was like music to my ears.I couldn't resist.
"urgggghhhh finnneeee im coming anyways if you would tried something, i got weapons on me.. so beware" i winked at him.
We got up, suddenly realising something.
"wait, wait, wait we still have classes going on, how can we go we would get problems" i said in a worried tone.
"Come on im Jake Grooverstone nobody can touch me or do something against me so you are safe with me" he winked back.
"we can bunk class anyways" he said.
"ha ha noway" i said in a sarcasic way.
"oh is the little nerd afraid to bunk a class oh i thought that you were a badass when the first time you yelled at me" he said in a challenging tone.
"lets go then im going to show you" i replied.
With that we laughed together and made our way to the parking lot. My eyes widden when i saw.....


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