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Its been a day and i haven't left my mothers side, she still hasn't woken up. i went down to the cafe to get some coffee as i pour my cup i get pushed a little and spill the coffee i look up and see that obnoxious doctor house i think his name was "ugh thanks a lot" i said "your welcome, if you don't mind me asking why are you still here? you don't look sick are you just here for coffee?" he asked rudely "No, i'm not sick but my mother is and if you would excuse me id like to get back to her" i said and left nudging him in the process i walk back into my mothers room and see two doctors "uh hello, any news" i asked they both turned around "no, i'm sorry were doing all we can, all the test are coming up negative for everything" she said "my names Dr. Allison Cameron and this is Dr. Robert Chase" she said "nice two meet you both" i tried saying but was interrupted by my mothers grunting "A-Alyssa?" she choked out " i'm right here mom your okay" i said "i-i cant move i cant feel my body" she said panicking " Ms.Hendricks we are gonna do everything we can to help you other than not feeling your body any other symptoms" Dr.Chase asked "m-my head hurts a lot and i feel a bit dizzy" my mom said " well that should be expected we think you hit your head when you fell well give you something for the pain" dr.Cameron said and they both left.

*Dr.Eric Formans P.O.V*

were all sitting discussing the case house is writing the symptoms on the white board "okay so 50 year old female passes out during birthday party, when she comes to she's paralyzed from the neck down" house says "maybe she had a stroke" i said "no it would have came up on EKG test" chase says "how about ALS she could have had mussel pain and fainted?" Cameron said "no there would be signs earlier but she has none, her daughter said she complained about numbness in hands and feet and was never diagnosed with anything" i said "its probably peripheral neuropathy that would explain numbness and she probably lost balance hit her head and that would explain the passing out, give her 100MCG of Oxycodone and see if her feeling comes back" house said we all left i went to the room with the meds

*Alyssa's P.O.V*

Dr.Forman walks in "i'm gonna give your mother Oxycodone if should help we believe she has peripheral neuropathy she has all the symptoms" he said " wait no Oxycodone wont help you should try amitriptyline it would be more likely to bring her feeling back" i said "your right, are you a doctor?" he asked "no i mean well i was studying to be but it didin't work out" i said " oh sorry to hear that, i need to tell my colleges about the medication change and ill be right back" he said 

*Formans P.O.V*

i went to houses office to tell him "so your not gonna believe this but the patients daughter request we don't give her mother Oxycodone but amitriptyline instead. she said it would he more effective" i said i saw house think "she-shes right" he said "so your admitting you were wrong?" i asked " no i'm just saying she's right" house said leaving.

*houses P.O.V*

i walked to the patients room with the amitriptyline despite me never going to see patients  i just have to meet this girl... i walk in and see that pretty girl i was bothering before "oh its you again. what do you want?" she said "well i'm gonna give your mom the amitriptyline" i said while putting it in her mothers bloodline "you know it was a very smart decision you made how did you know this medication anyway?" i asked "thanks well i was studying to become a doctor but i didin't work out" she said " oh well ill have a doctor check on your mom bye oh i um didin't catch your name" i said walking out "its Alyssa" she said i nodded and continued walking "so your not always rude are you?" she said i stopped "oh and if your gonna stay here all day and night you could shower and freshen up you look quite gross" i said "never mind your still a jerk" she said and i smiled as i walked out... she's so cute i thought

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