The Second Time

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 He sauntered onto the deck for the second time, although this time, the situations were very different. The hostility of the crew was quickly tamed like muzzled dogs, the air of confidence seemed to be replaced with one of gloominess, and there were many more holes now in the ship.

 The faces surrounding him were very tired and sad, a long battle that had lasted the entirety of the night, only to be met with defeat once the sun had risen. Even the ship itself seemed like it was upset, moaning under their feet loudly as if it was crying. Nothing about this ship was the way that it was the first time he stepped onto it.

 "On your knees!" his own orderlies order of the crew. They did as they were told, not resisting much, perhaps being too tired to.

 He walked over to one of the crew, they stood tall with dark hair, sporting a limp in their one leg. He couldn't remember seeing him on board the ship last time he was here. "You there." he said as the man struggled with getting to his knees. "Where is your Captain?"

 The man looked up to the wheel deck before looking back to him, "His corridors."

 "Thank you." these men he was looking at were pirates, but respect given is respect returned. 

 He moved up the balcony's stairs before going down a short hall, finding himself at a open door. He walked into the room, instantly finding who he was looking for standing by the window, glass of whiskey in his hand.

 "Hiding away in your room, are we, Jack?" he asked, sauntering further into the room.

 "How long have we been at this, Robin?" Jack questioned. "Three months now?"

 "Oh, don't tell me you gave up." Robin laughed at the man.

 "What else was I supposed to do?!" Jack turned, showing him half his face. It was now Robin could see what three months had done to this man. His crew was tired, but he was more than that, he was worn. "If I kept it up you would've sunk my ship, taking my men with it!" he yelled. "A Commodore like yourself should understand that concern, I should hope." Jack moved, pulling out a second glass, filling it with whiskey before pushing it across his deck.

 Robin accepted the glass, taking a swig before answering, "I do, actually." Silence filled the room as the Commodore finished his drink before placing it back on the desk. "You know what comes next, Jack." he spoke quietly.

 "Yeah. Pretty sure." Jack replied, not making any motions to move though. "What if...."

 "What if what?"

 Jack took a shaky breath, everything that had been taking a toll on him was catching up with him, it seemed. "Listen, Robin, the Red Lion is hurting, you can hear it. Right now, it's on it's last leg, it's Captain, I can't let it go without trying."

 "Are you asking to go down with your ship? Cause you know I can't let that happen, your requested for a trial." he smirked.

 "No, not that." Jack shook his head. "I'm asking...that you give it and my crew a chance."

 Robin couldn't help but let out a scoff, "You want me to let your crew go?"

 "Yes. I do. Leave them here on this ship that's falling apart and let them...just try to make it to a dock. And if they don't...then I guess you won't have to worry about them." Jack answered.

 Silence filled the room again as he thought over Jack's proposition. It was insane, and there was a chance he'd get in trouble if they did make it, but he still felt like he owed it to the Captain in some way. Three months ago, before the chase around the ocean with the man in front of him, he thought that pirates were scum and no good in anyway. But now, after observing one man and all his ways for three months, it was undeniable that he was a man to be respected, not just for his skill in sailing, but in the way he treat his crew and others around him. Robin had come to the realization that the flags they sail under might be different, but at the end of it all, they were two men who just loved the ocean that they sail on. One is just better at taking orders than the other.

 "Very well." Robin said. "I'll probably get in trouble for it, but I guess they'll forget it once they have your head."

 Jack let out a light laugh, "Optimistic."

 "Yeah, the best I got." he smiled. He moved to the door, "Come on, we've been in here long enough as it is."

 "Yeah." Jack placed his glass down on the desk. He walked over and stood directly next to the Commodore, but didn't go through the door. "Better make it believable."

 "What does that mean?" Robin questioned.

 "Come on, Robin." Jack smirked. "You know you've wanted to since we met."

 Although kind words of respect could be spoken for both parties now, and some slight form of friendship could be found between them, Robin couldn't deny that there was still some distaste for him and his kind still coursing through his veins. That's probably why it was so easy for him to punch Jack in the face.

 Jack stumbled back, letting out a laugh as he did, "Damn! You got a good swing, man." He stood up again, a hand rubbing the left side of his face, feeling it swelling already. "Alright. Feel better with that out of your system?" he giggled.

 Robin sighed, "If I'm being honest, I'd feel better after a couple more swings."

 Jack laughed again, "Sure you would. No time, Commodore."

 "Right. Let's go." They both walked out of the door, but when they made it into the balcony, into the sight of both crews, Robin gripped tightly on Jack's arm, roughly pushing him around. "MOVE!" he yelled.

 "Commodore!" one of his crew members called out to him, running to meet him on the balcony. "What would you like us to do with the crew?" he asked.

 "Leave them." Robin answered roughly.

 "A-All of them, sir?" the man questioned. "Shouldn't least take them prisoner or...kill them?"

 "I believe the council asked for the Captain, why waste time transporting or killing the crew?" he laughed, kicking the floor beneath them. "Besides, their tub is falling apart, just how far do you think they're gonna make it?" he laughed, the rest of his own crew laughing along.

 "Sometimes I forget which one of us claims to be the pirate, Commodore." Jack snarled out.

 No words were spoken as Robin roughly shoved Jack over the stairs, causing him to tumble down them, landing at the bottom. "Maybe that'll knock your memory back." Robin laughed. "Get him up!" he yelled at his men. He walked down the stairs as they lifted a limp Captain off the deck, "Get him to the ship and find him a shiny pair of shackles."

 "You son of a bitch." Robin heard muttered behind him. He turned, finding the many faces of Jack's crew full of hate, all aimed at him.

 "You should be grateful I'm not taking all of you." he laughed, sauntering over to stand in front of them. "Instead, I am merciful. Giving you all a fighting chance instead of just killing you all here."

 "Excuse me if I don't bow down and kiss your feet." one of them spoke. Robin recognized him as he was always on Jack's right hand. He knew he was called Seananners.

 "Listen, pirate, I'm halfway considering giving your ship one last kiss goodbye once me and all my crew are off of it, and your snark replies are not helping your case. I recommend you keep your tongue behind your teeth." he seethed at the man.

 "Commodore, I believe it's time to go." one of his men spoke.

 "Then let's depart from this ship before it falls apart." he answered. It didn't take long before the Commodore's ship, den Pixl, was sailing away, leaving the hurting Red Lion, and all it's crew, behind.

Her Adventures on the Red LionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora